WDW anyone

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2008
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Mid Atlantic Area USA
Anyone else out there using a Wet Dry Wet configuration with a RM100 I would lke to compare notes. I set it up downstairs and it sounds un fricken believable.

Basically guitar --> RM100 ---> Mesa Boogie Recto 4x12
Serial Loop has BBE 442a in the RM100.


Line level amp --->Inttellifex USA
Intellifex out goes into Carvin Tube100 Power amp in stereo--->2 Mesa Bogie Stilleto Cabs for Left right effects.

The straight to the amp sound mixed with the effects panne left and right just makes this thing sound HUGE.

Interesting for me the Intellifex worked better than my Gmajor for this probably going to put the Gmajor for sale or use it in my PA rig.

Curious to see if others have used this type of rig on this board and if there are any lessons learned. before i start bundling my cables to make a snake for live applications.
whew, that must sound enormous! It's hard to get something like that going in a live setup, that's lots of equipment to haul unless you have a crew

I am putting together a WDW setup but I am using the RM4. I have one channel of the RM4 going dry into a Mesa 2:50. I then take the other channel of the RM4 into a G-Major, which splits it into stereo and then into a MosValve power amp.

To be honest, haven't really had a chance to really try it out as I am waiting on my Pete Modded SL+ to come in before really messing with it, but I will post pics and a review once it is all set up!
I just love the sound of a direct Guitar to tube amp. Luckily I have people to help load and unload at gigs and a monster suburban for carring gear around
Takes 3 cabs 1 4 space rack unit 1 rm100. I am contemplating having a combo head/effects rack made in blue suede to match/look like another cab just to keep things uniform and to have less dangling wires
I only use 3 WDW cabs with this set up and I am not insane enough to use 6 yet.
Im in the process of doing that, I was origionally going to do stereo but I origionally had a w/d/w setup and I miss it. Probably going to do one randall 4x12 and two 2x12s, palmer pdi-03 ofcourse, possibly an eventide, and my g major. All of the effects will run through the rt2/50. You cant beat the sound of a w/d/w rig!
i run a sophisticated version of w/d/w. basically it's stereo, but i blend in both cabs the amount of dry that i want. it gives me more control over the mix out FOH.

for home use...w/d/w is sick. for live use...most soundguys balk at a stereo rig much less a w/d/w rig.

keep that in mind if you are considering setups such as this.