What is your favorite guitar for MTS?

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
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to be totally honest, all my guitars sound killer through both of my MTS amp set up :twisted: That's including my Les Paul, Tele, Strat etc...
I do love EMGs and how they react to the MTS though. My ESP LTD EC1000 just sounds so sweet with the Randall, I'm still working on the clean tone to fatten it up, it's rather thin. Hopefully with some tweaking on my G Major, I'll get some nicer midrange .
But kick it into gain territory, it just totally smokes on the XTC and 1086 mods.
I have a variety that I use, listed by usage:
Godin LG (with quilt top and SD Jazz/JB)
Peavey Wolfgang Flame Arch top with trem
Jackson RR3 (with SD Jazz/JB)
Fender Highway 1 (with SD Everything Axe set and Wilkenson trem)
Epi LP Slash flametop (with SD AP2's)

They all sound great with the rig (I adjust input gain on the G-System when I switch guitars).
The main two I'm using right now are a Yamaha RGXTT Ty Tabor model and a Reverend Warhawk HB II. They both sound great. The Rev is a little punchier and louder, while the Yamaha is more versatile.
To be honest, all my strats sound terrible through my RM100. Im having a tough time dialing them in. But, my PRS's sound awesome! I guess ill just have to get a few more of em'. I dont care what my wife says!
Pretty much anything solid with humbuckers :D

ESP KH-2 or KH-3 (EMGs)
Schecter Exotic - Super Rock II (?)
Gibson Gothic Explorer and LP (Gibby 496/500T 490/498T ?)

I suck at single coils...so I don't do 'em...the coil tap on the Schecter sounds decent though :D
droptrd said:
To be honest, all my strats sound terrible through my RM100. Im having a tough time dialing them in. But, my PRS's sound awesome! I guess ill just have to get a few more of em'. I dont care what my wife says!

i always fall into the trap of why doesn't this sound as good as my wolfgang. problem is they are not humbuckers...they are single coils. which leads me to my point...the beauty of mts is you can have a different module for a different guitar. strats sound killer through the blackface, deluxe, tweed, and even the plexi. (<--especially if doing some cool eagles/joe walsh stuff)
PV Wolfgang or EBMM Axis Sport or Super Sport.
RD/Steve said:
i always fall into the trap of why doesn't this sound as good as my wolfgang. problem is they are not humbuckers...they are single coils. which leads me to my point...the beauty of mts is you can have a different module for a different guitar. strats sound killer through the blackface, deluxe, tweed, and even the plexi. (<--especially if doing some cool eagles/joe walsh stuff)

Absolutely hit the nail on the head on this one, Steve! My SRV Strat sounded terrible with XTC, it sounds incredible with the Deluxe, boosting the front with an AC or RC Booster, Robben Ford/Larry Carlton tones for days.
I find single coils not really cutting it with high gain stuff. If I can find a way to make my Strats and Teles sound good in the high gain, like Lukather/Mike Landau/Scott Henderson tones, I'll be happy.
RD/Steve said:
droptrd said:
To be honest, all my strats sound terrible through my RM100. Im having a tough time dialing them in. But, my PRS's sound awesome! I guess ill just have to get a few more of em'. I dont care what my wife says!

i always fall into the trap of why doesn't this sound as good as my wolfgang. problem is they are not humbuckers...they are single coils. which leads me to my point...the beauty of mts is you can have a different module for a different guitar. strats sound killer through the blackface, deluxe, tweed, and even the plexi. (<--especially if doing some cool eagles/joe walsh stuff)
Yeah, i know what you mean. I agree, the strats DO sound great with the clean modules. But they sound really bad with gain'ier modules. They sounded fine through all the high gain Mesa's and Marshall's ive owned....But im not giving up hope yet.
I think the 3 best guitars, at least of the ones I own, are :

ESP M-1 George Lynch Tiger
ESP LTD M-400 (EMG 81/60)
84 Gibson Explorer reissue (EMG 81/60)

The explorer and m-400 have great Metallicaish sounds, and the Tiger is the most amazing guitar for doing Dokken/Ratt style stuff.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I tune to E and Eb. The only time I ever drop lower is with my 7 string, otherwise, all E and Eb for me. Just not into the whole dropping down to C# stuff.

The explorer and the m-400 sound WAY different, despite the fact that they have the same pickups.

These MTS amps would sound good on just about any guitar though.
Samick AV-3 (LP Body) with EMG 81/85's (18v mod) and Dave Mustaine signature GHS strings (10-52). Nice fat growly tone, I use it for drop D flat stuff.

And a Dean Inferno V with Seymour Duncan Blackouts and D'Addario XL 10-46's that I use for half step stuff. Nice classic sounding bite, but with a modern crunch from the pickups.
EMG tend to sound really good with the high gain MTS stuff. I love the tone I got from my LTD EC1000, with the 60/85 pups.
Anybody using any of the other models of EMG? Like the single coils?
I love ESP guitars. They seem to go hand in hand with Randall in my opinion.
The M-II I use sounds sick through the RM100.
As long as I can dial it in a bit, all my guitars sound fine through the MTS. Even my EJ strats - just have to roll the presence down. I'm not going to be playing any anthrax covers with them though! :)

Best sounding 'non metal' guitar I have through mine is a '07 Korina McCarty PRS w/Braz board.

Best for metal I own is an ESP MII or a Brad Gillis signature Fernandes strat. It kills!

I regretted having sold off some of my old 80s, because I bet some of them would sound incredible through the MTS rig.
Used to own 2 ESP Kamikazes, the original one just scream with sustain and balls, it's like a Strat that sounds like a Les Paul.
I totally love the LTD EC1000, the thing kicks with the MTS
currently using;

Schecter 006 blackjack (JB/Jazz)
RPG Custom 7 string (X2N7/Jazz7)

Never found a sound with the MTS, I didn't like!!