what types of pickups R u guys using? Thinking 'bout upgrad

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Jun 2, 2008
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I have Ibanez rg series with original ibanez p.u.'s. I want some emg's then again i want some seymor screamin demons then i picked up a gibson with some blue alnico's and that sounded real nice!! I know i may not get that gibson sound out of my ibanez, but want to know how to get my IB to growl and howl a little more meaner!! U know??
now, are those blue alnico's available to put into any type humbuck set up? what u think about passive and active pick ups?
I think a bit more thought should be put into this. A pickup just doesn't "sound great," or work for everything. Are you aware of how windings, magnet types, and pole pieces affect the sound? What style of music are you playing? What guitar are you using? What amp are you using? I think a bit more information is needed before buying a big seller pickup.
Tru dat dan! I play an Ibanez rg series, not sure when it was manufactured. I play hard rock to heavy metal with plenty of distortion. I recently purchased a used Randall rg100sc. This amp is nice n' loud with distortion enuff for my liking. U know I am not sure about how pickups are made, although i know there are certain types of magnets and different types of windings and what not that more than likely, with different combos of each can weild the mightiest, crushing distortion and even the softest, warmest of soulful sounds. I have only begun my research on the subject of pick ups. So far, i consider the blue alnico's that the gibson's use to be one of the nicest i have had the pleasure to hear and play. Any info on said subject would be appreciated!!
Well, I can give you a quick run down, and I hope you get an idea of pickups.

Magnet types:

Alnico: warm, a bit dark, great clean tones, tends to muddy up under heavy distortion

Ceramic: bright, extremely bright with subdued lows. These magnets handle extreme distortion with great clarity, but they tend to be pretty bland. They are also hotter than alnico, driving tube amps more.

Neodymium: Even, full frequency tone response. They tend to sound bright because they grab extended highs other magnets don't grab. Fairly hot and handles extreme distortion very well.

Samarium Cobalt: similar to alnico but without the dark coloration; strong midrange; handles heavy distortion well.


the more windings, the higher the output will be and the bassier the pickup will be.

Pole pieces:

the larger they are in diameter, the brigther the tone will be, blades being the "largest pole pieces." Alnico poles give a vintage tone while stainless steel blades are bright and cutting.

Active pickups:

are extremely bland no matter what magnets are being used. They are usually bright with subdued bass and mids. The benefit to these pickups is that they are excellent for extreme distortion as remain exceptionally clear and quiet. But the cleans are pretty bland if you're looking for beautiful.

I think that's all that someone not looking at ordering custom pickups needs to be concerned about (and custom pickups are usually very expensive). Hopefully, you can make a slightly better decision. I encourage you to look past the big boys: Dimarzio, Duncan, Rio Grande, etc.., and look at some of the more reasonably priced offerings like GFS pickups.
For all thing's metal, i would do EMG 81 Bridge and 85 in the neck. I have never fallen in love with another pickup. BUT!!! for passive, i have a RG220 with a Dimarziro (however u spell it) distortion pickup and MY GOD does that thing rule. I find myself putting the EMG guitar's away and recording with the RG220 because of the full tone from the passive pup.
WB Pickups are simply amazing. I hae 4 guitars loaded with them. Our own forum brother Willbur makes these. You owe it to yourself to check them out.

Nothing against them, but I think that EMG 81s or Screamin Demon, or Dimarzario Distortion pickups are what he's looking for. Trust me, i've been there.
I have had those and countless others since the '80s and I can confidently say that the WB have killed them all in my opinion.
..and I think its so dependant on taste.
I hate,hate,hate to say it but...
you are going to need to hear these pikups to make a decision.
I wouild go to a big-box music store and try any thing you can put your hands on that uses the pickups you are interested. It wont be a perfect test...but it will give you some ideas.
Use an amp as close as you can to what you normally use.
..and take your time making up your mind.
GtrGeorge! said:
..and I think its so dependant on taste.
I hate,hate,hate to say it but...
you are going to need to hear these pikups to make a decision.
I wouild go to a big-box music store and try any thing you can put your hands on that uses the pickups you are interested. It wont be a perfect test...but it will give you some ideas.
Use an amp as close as you can to what you normally use.
..and take your time making up your mind.

Great answer George.
Some makers have audio samples on there web sites. Granted it's not your own equipment but it does give you an idea of what they sound like in different applications.
I still prefer passive Seymour Duncans but thats my taste.
That seems the likely solution. No matter what type pick up you are after, they are all gonna sound a little different on other guitars and amp combos. I'm sure we can log in all week and still have a difference of opinion on what sounds best on what guitar and through what amp and so on. My main focus here is to just get some ideas as to what seem to be the top choices in pick ups these days. I guess more of a narrowing of choices for myself due to the vast world of pickups out there. You guys have been extremely informative and I thank you for your time and opinions in the matter. I'll report back (hopefully soon!!) with my choice in the matter. Thanks again!
I got a Dean pickup, and a Bill Lawrence XL-500.

I am going to switch out the Dean pickup for either a Seymour Duncan 59 or a Dimarzio super distortion pickup.
Dont forget BareKnuckle pickups. I just ordered my second set (crawlers). I orginally had black dogs and holy diver while I like the BD neck I wasnt feeling the HD bridge. I completely rewired my gibson les paul with correct 50's wiring which Im waiting to have soldered up so I cant give you a description of them yet.
But customer service has been great. Check out their site and forum for clips.
Even if a lot of person dislike it I own a Dimebucker and I find it seriously killer man in team with an Dimarzio EVO at the neck it's a killer set-up on my Jackson and my Dean