Which One Would You Have Bought? {RM 100 Poll}

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If You Were Buying an RM 100, Which Configuration/Covering?

  • Black/Black Metal Grill - 1 (Clean, Treadplate, and Ultra)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black/Black Metal Grill - 2 (Blackface, Plexi, and XTC)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black/Black Metal Grill - 3 (Blackface, SL Plus, and Ultra XL)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Palimino 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Palimino 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Palimino 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black Palimino 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black Palimino 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black Palimino 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This poll is silly and I refuse to participate!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
Pollocksville N.C. (USA)
I've recently noted that there are three configurations or module complements. (1, 2 & 3)
Then there's three outer appearances:
P - Palimino
BP - Black Palinino
M - Metal

So my "M2" designation means it will be black with a black metal grill.
Is there a preference for the black metal?
It's what they had in stock. I'm guessing the P & BP color schemes are custom order items? Am I right? Or just some dealers order all the options on several heads? Or just stocking the most popular or avoiding confusion by limiting choices/selection.
I'm thinking it's gonna run cooler, being there's more air flow through the grill vs. a slab of wood w/upolstery on it.
But it's got a fan, so that shouldn't make much diference.
But I'm just asking opinions now.
If it was you, which would you buy?
And what about the Lynch Box? $100 for alligator covering and a cool logo. (univeral power cord)
I'm not gonna mention the KH as that's a different price range.
I nearly bought the Lynch Box, but didn't feel like paying for some other guy's sound. I'm not particularly trying to get the George Lynch sound anyway. (We don't do any Dokken, but I've been pushing for it)
Then if we do start playing Dokken songs, I can always buy a Mr. Scary module and nobody has to know. (*wink wink*)
Lynch or KH...just 'coz they look so nice :D

BTW...no difference between 'em all sound wise *except* the KH has a little more bass..which you can replicate by turning up the depth control...lord knows why you'd want to as these amps have quote enough low end :D
I voted rm100 m3. I have the blackface and ultraxl but a treadplate instead of the SL+. I Think i want an Sl actually, no sure how much im diggin the treadplate.
How about another option? :twisted:

Buyer Beware!

I looked into that sale.

The guy that initially bid & won it for $999.00 back on Jan. 2nd was denied (given the excuse that the item had been broken during packaging, I guess)
2 Weeks later, the seller sold it for $200 more.
I'd bet he wasn't satisfied with the original final bid.
Sneaky! Dishonest! Greedy! Selfish!

So, you get what you pay for.
Did you see the dust buildup inside?
It's been sitting for a while.
Mint or otherwise, it's not a "brand new" unit by any means.
And mods or not, do you really expect to get more because you modded it? What if the mod was done poorly? Cold solder joint? Flecked circuit board?
And who know how it's REALLY been treated?
Remember, we're dealing with a scheming sort of guy. (Sneaky! Dishonest! Greedy! Selfish!)

I wouldn't count this as an equal option.
Looks like the Black w/Metal grill is gonna sweep the poll.
Black goes with most music gear and it hides itself, too.
Black equipment is good for background) contrast wise, and bright colors (red/yellow/white), tend to catch the lights and attact undue attention.
I'm probably not the norm cause I dig the look of the Palamino's, Brown and Black......especially the Black!
Having said that though.....I feel they need to be loaded with modules that have been switched to black faceplates and either cream or black chicken head knobs......very nice looking this way.

I have a black w/metal grill and a palomino... I prefer the palo if I'm using my palomino 2x12 cab... looks classier IMHO. Black with metal grill looks a lot more agressive, I'm not a huge fan of black with the silver front.

Looks like the Black w/Metal grill wins the poll.
It makes sense now.
The dealers are carrying (stocking) the most popular.
I still woulda liked a choice when I bought it, rather than custom/special order.
But, haste makes waste, good things come to those who wait, a stictch in time saves nine, all in good time, let the good times roll, roll with it baby, baby come back, back in the saddle again!