Which sounds better 1987 stock module or voodoo SL+?

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I've never played a 1087, but I can vouch for the Voodoo Jose UG (built on an SL+).. KILLER module... I wanna get a dual channel version of it made... 8)

Shameless plug: I'll sell you my Single channel Voodoo Jose UG... :lol:
Both good but different-and Ive had both....1987 is modeled after Scott Ian's 80's JCM800 tones. Its pretty much dead on to that. The Voodoo Jose UG is super saturated/compressed Marshall style mod- More of a lead tone, super fluid and smooth.
rblyn said:
Both good but different-and Ive had both...

I have quite a few amps and certainly with mts Ive been able to replicate quite a few of the amps to sound dead on, if not better.

I have both right now (1987 & Jose HG) though the voodoo is a Jose HG and not UG. I love them equally, they are both used in different situations (mts only for studio)

I think the 800 backed off but boosted sounds immaculate. It sounds real full and warm. It sounds authentic if not better than an 800, lol I sold my 2203 800.

The HG is my go to for rodded Marshall tone. Without a doubt. Not as saturated as a UG but still more than ever needed!