I ended up buying a TDLX so I had the chance to compare them. I am posting in the event someone else had the same question.
First, the TDLX module is very particular in what types of tubes you put in it. The stock EH7025s sounded bland. I tried a pair of Chinese ruby's and it distorted too...
I owned 2 IICP modules and have played others. They all do it.
If you contact Synergy, they will confirm it as well. I don't think there is a fix for it.
Hello, all:
Besides the dual channel difference and the lack of the B deluxe channel in the Randall, if you have played both modules back to back, could you please let me know how different are the clean tones between them?
It works great. I have tried it before with a 2203x since those have an effects loop, and it is a great option to add a clean module to the JCM800. You can use the SYN-1 to footswitch between the modules and the amp for two different sounds (Marshall distortion in the high input or clean/low...
Randall RM50 head for sale in excellent condition. Gone.
Egnater Mod50 head in good condition. Gone
Synergy Bogner Uberschall Module - Gone
Synergy IICP Module - Gone
Please send me a PM for any questions. Thanks!