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Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. W

    Withdrawn Looking for a RM4 or similar option to play my modules.

    Ya, that is what I think will be the best. Might still be able to fix the combo, though.
  2. W

    RM50 troubles

    Hi guys, Matt maybe you or someone can give help with my RM100 issues. This is a new issue now after 2 times now repairs. The problem now: If I crank both volume and master to 3 oclock it sounds only quiet at room levels (also at the FX Send jack). So it is at least 20x too quiet, other...
  3. W

    Withdrawn Looking for a RM4 or similar option to play my modules.

    Hi, I interested to buy a RM4 or similar lightweight option to play my modules as my RM100 is no longer working and it is way to heavy for my needs anyway. I only use the FX send to jack the signal into my DAW, so it needs to have one of them. thanks Michael PS I have a RM100 here in Vancouver...
  4. W

    Question about line output of my RM100..

    Apologies, I may not have explained the first question that well. The problem isn't to do with impedance as outputs on the RM100 FX sends are capable of Balanced/Unbalanced (not Hi-z). I'm gonna ask around some other forums and try and find out, but I think it's probably got to do with grounding...
  5. W

    Question about line output of my RM100..

    hi guys, been away from here for a while but not from my modules. During some configurations with my workhorse rack which I'm using with my amp's send signals I've noticed some behavior I don't understand, or like. Seems whenever I try to split a line out signal, or use both send at the same...
  6. W

    What's your secret in MTS?

    Nice module, no extra's and often run straight from the FX loop because it makes the sound more prickly.
  7. W

    My Band's New Music Video!!! MTS'd UP!!!

    Awesome video! That girl reminds me of Carrie. Well done.
  8. W

    Song demo from upcoming album using Friedman HBE module.

    Sounds a bit like Smile Empty Soul. There are some really expressive vocal lines in there.
  9. W

    Ownhammer!!! Tone of the GODS!

    What are you guys doing with your stereo set? Just Mono Nebula panned L+R or stereo buss? What is a good combination that you like for a general song mix?
  10. W

    Ignite amps free poweramp vst

    Ignite Amps released a free poweramp for vst.
  11. W

    New original track featuring Jaded Faith Mods

    Nice sound! Really nice, clear and defined mix.
  12. W

    smooth lead sound

    I've been meaning to check out some orange based tone, or a Orange amp itself... Modules??Pretty much anything out there besides the ones mentioned. Wrecked, Crankenstein etc..
  13. W

    Top module that Rob should Create

    ahh haha, ok I see now. ;)
  14. W

    Top module that Rob should Create

    If rob could create a module with a nice tremolo build in that would definitely be attractive if not too expensive.