smooth lead sound

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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Looking for a module that has a smooth lead sound. Minimal it the middle aged tone quest kinda thing.

Not a marshall flavor, not something that is too chunky, heavy, rips my head off...something sweet, nice, and with dynamics..

Gettin' old. :cry:
Jaded Faith XTC (or XTC SE in my case) the red channel with the structure on and the gain set to taste is and has been my lead tone for a long time! I tried other modules and just couldnt get the smooth yet screaming lead tone that the XTC Produced. I am semi-retiring from mts and im keeping 4 modules and in the #2 slot of my rm4 sits the lead tone i have always loved and been looking for the Jaded Faith XTC!
I like what you are saying, except the "screaming" part. I want some harmonics, but not over the top screaming harmonics.

Not that I want to sound like him, but Satriani has a tone that has all the characteristics I'm looking for - full ,dynamic, overdriven and distorted but tasteful and not over the top.

I know he uses a boss modified DS-1 pedal, and I believe Vai does. Maybe I need a module that gives a good base tone and then overdrive it to get that little extra.
Shoot me an email with some examples of what your after. I'll bet we can nail it with a simple $100 base mod if you don't need all the bells, whistles and cosmetics.
Well what I should have said is that it can scream and it can do super-smooth high gain on the red channel which i use but its very competent on the blue channel as well the blue channel has less gain but is still smooth while the red channel is greasey smooth!
theres up on the classifieds at the moment
VitaminG said:
Have you checked out Jaded Faith's OD Special. Full, very dynamic, not fizzy

I play Eric Johnson, Robben Ford, Mark Knopfler songs in our band. If this is the type of guitar tone you're looking for, I'd endorse the Jaded Faith OD Special. I'm not familiar with any other custom mod, but the OD Special will get you there.

I occasionally use an Xotic EP Booster to brighten up my rather dull-sounding PRS pickups, and a FullTone TTE Tube-Tape-Echo gives me the Mark Knopfler clean Strat tone, but with careful use of the OD Special's Gain control, this module gets me anywhere I want to be - smooth overdrive, and no fizz with moderate Gain settings.

Hope all this bla-bla-bla helps.
I agree 100% on the JF OD which is based on a Dumble. Very smooth w/o the sreechiness or over the top kind of stuff. I have other mods for that including the JF XTC.
I also second Robs suggestion of a base mod. They are very reasonable w/o all of the extras and they sound great. I have a base modded Tweed which is phenomenally smooth and warm and it cost me $100 or something.
feefop said:
Not that I want to sound like him, but Satriani has a tone that has all the characteristics I'm looking for - full ,dynamic, overdriven and distorted but tasteful and not over the top. .

For Satriani, I like the JF 59RR Custom in JMP mode.
Rob makes a JFX which is based on Joe's JSX tone. I have one and it rocks. The XTC is also wonderful. It has a red and blue channel. I think the blue channel will do what you're asking. Not as much gain as the JFX though.
feefop said:
I like what you are saying, except the "screaming" part. I want some harmonics, but not over the top screaming harmonics.

Not that I want to sound like him, but Satriani has a tone that has all the characteristics I'm looking for - full ,dynamic, overdriven and distorted but tasteful and not over the top.

I know he uses a boss modified DS-1 pedal, and I believe Vai does. Maybe I need a module that gives a good base tone and then overdrive it to get that little extra.

Satriani is currently using modified Marshall amps.

I don't think it even matters because his tone always sounds exactly the same to me, whether it's Marshall or Peavey. His sound is his sound.
I've been meaning to check out some orange based tone, or a Orange amp itself...

Modules??Pretty much anything out there besides the ones mentioned. Wrecked, Crankenstein etc..

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