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  1. S

    Tube recommendations for 1086A module

    You guys crack me up ! No one offers any advice on tubes, you're just waiting for the moment to pounce on the module....LOL JKD- What is it you don't like about the mod ? too dark, lifeless, or what ? What other mod does is sound similar to ? Just curious . Howard
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    favorite preamp tubes in mts

    I got the Ei's from , and from Howard
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    Unpleasent Distortion when Boosting Blackface

    I did the same mod to my Brown. I tried the 150 ohm resistor but it killed the sound. If you do the mod, pickup some other resistors as well , like a 330 just in case the 150 doesn't work for you. They're inexspensive , and it's fun to experiment. H
  4. S

    favorite preamp tubes in mts

    Max, I'm surprised no one has posted their fav's . For my style and tone ( and it's very subjective) I prefer the following preamp tubes with my RT2/50, which has Tungsol 5881's , and an unknown pair of 6L6GC's : EG3- I wanted higher gain so I run Ei ECC83 matched high gain tubes . EG4-...
  5. S

    need gut shots of egnater modules

    PM me with an e-mail address and I'll send a photo of my EG4. Howard
  6. S

    RM4 or Egnater M4 ?

    Lonerock- The single channel Egnater anf the Randall RM4 are identical in design, the only difference would be the build quality. The single channel Egnater is no longer available, I believe the rights/licensing were sold to Randall, hence the identical design. Your only option for single...
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    randal modules in the egnater

    It just doesn't look quite as good.....LOL H
  8. S

    FS : plex , sl2 , E' rect , tweed , ultra LX

    Don't let one fraudulent transaction spoil the classified section for the "good guys" . It seems no matter what the venue, there's always some low life, slithering, con artist out there :x to take advantage of the honest person. We just have to be suspicious now of anyone "new" , or with...
  9. S

    Mod 100 on American Idol last night

    Darn. I only had a glimpse of it, should have DVR'd it and played it back to make sure. The script, and color looked like an Egnater........oh well. H
  10. S

    Mod 100 on American Idol last night

    Was watching Idol last night and noticed the guitarist in Pink's band was using an Egnater Mod 100 , pretty cool. H
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    Lynch Box photo

    Hmmmmm, Lynch Box sans modules....? Those mods are in the mail. I've been waiting 3 months for an Ultra Lead, I think I'll cancel it and just order another Egnater module. It's not even listed on the web site any more with the other modules. If Randall isn't shipping amps or modules...
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    Help With Ground Control Pro

    I think that you probably have the everything connected properly, but when you change to the next preset your RM100 stays on channel one ? When you switch to your next channel you need to manually switch the RM100 to the desired channel, then hold the button for 10 seconds or so. You will need...
  13. S

    New at Musicians Friend - ouch!

    Yea, sign me up for one of those. I don't think so, not at $25k ! Buy the parts, a little tape, presto, your own Franky.....LOL H
  14. S

    Humble Pie

    Tommy, OK, another great band............drum roll please - Montrose ! Paper Money, Rock Candy. Man, now I'm going to be playing UFO, Montrose, and Deep Purple when I get home tonight. LOL H
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    Humble Pie

    If nothing else just give Rock Bottom ( live version, from the "Strangers in the Night" album) a listen . Schenker does a 2 or 3 minute solo that will make your fingers bleed..:) H
  16. S

    Humble Pie

    LOL, that's funny. Of course Rudolf of the Scorps and Michael of UFO were vastly different in style, no comparison. H
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    Humble Pie

    Hey, here's a few only Tommy may remember : Mahogony Rush Frank Mareno Alcatraz ( Yngwe, then Vai ) Or is that in reverse order? H
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    Humble Pie

    Having Peter Frampton in the band didn't hurt...LOL Check out some old UFO albums, practice up on those Michael Schenker riffs. Lights Out, Rock Bottom.....ahhh those were the days. :) H
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    MTS Modules question

    Welcome ! I thought most, if not all, Randall modules were listed here : except the signature modules, Grail, Brahma, 1086, etc. Egnaters- ( single channel) your RM4 uses single channel modules, dual modules will work...
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    RM100 & Replifex MIDI

    Yep, you just switched it from channel 1 to channel 16 on your moose. Example- all off would be channel 1, all on switches to channel 16. Any combination of the dip switches selects another channel- ( dip switch # 1 off, dip switches 2,3,4 "on" may select channel 2 ). The Moose must have a midi...