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  1. S

    Favorite Overdrive?

    Tommy, Just for an FYI, I use the Behringer Pro-curve for EQ, it's midi capable, transparent, graphic or parametric, and very easy to use., XLR in and out . For $ 299 it's a great rack mount EQ. Just a bit of info from a satisfied user. AND my M4 arrives on 2-2-07 , can't wait....:) H
  2. S

    My Egnater M4 Clips

    There's a better deal on an M4 in the classified section of this forum, $ 1600. Check it out. It looks like a great buy. H
  3. S

    FS: Egnater Dual Channel M4 Preamp with 4 dual ch modules

    That's a great buy. I just picked one up on Ebay last week and paid much more, otherwise I would jump on it. H
  4. S

    My Egnater M4 Clips

  5. S

    RM4 or Egnater M4 ?

    Mesa and clean..? LOL I have the Triaxis currently going into the same setup , and on the clean channels I get decent headroom, unless I have to overdrive the power amp. This is with a '56 strat CS, with EMG-DG20 pu's ( the Gilmour set) . I play in the studio mainly, so db's are quite low. A...
  6. S

    RM4 or Egnater M4 ?

    I plan to use my Mesa 20/20 stereo amp w/ EL34's into a 2x12 Traynor w/Celestions on the left, and 2x12 Basson on the right w/ Eminence speakers. I hope it's a good match, if not I'll try the Randall amp... H
  7. S

    RM4 or Egnater M4 ?

    UPDATE- Just won the M4 on eBay. A little more $ than I had hoped, but less than the price of new, and no waiting ! Now it's module mania.... Thanks for the advice from all. H
  8. S

    RM4 or Egnater M4 ?

    Thanks for everyone's input, I'll go with the real deal and order the Egnater. H
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    RM4 or Egnater M4 ?

    Thanks for the advice. One more question- Are the MTS modules compatible with both the Egnater and Randall RM4 ? Thanks again !
  10. S

    RM4 or Egnater M4 ?

    Ready to make a move after many years of looking for THAT tone. Tried JMP-1, Triaxis, many other amps including Lee Jackson, Peavy, etc. Just not sure if I should go with the Randall or Egnater modular rack mount. Primarily for recording direct, but a mic'd cab is an option. It seems once fully...