RM4 or Egnater M4 ?

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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Ready to make a move after many years of looking for THAT tone. Tried JMP-1, Triaxis, many other amps including Lee Jackson, Peavy, etc. Just not sure if I should go with the Randall or Egnater modular rack mount. Primarily for recording direct, but a mic'd cab is an option. It seems once fully loaded with modules they are comparable in pricing, and midi capable is a requirement.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks !
An M4 for the Quality . Bruce and Frank are great guys and very helpful
Thanks for the advice. One more question- Are the MTS modules compatible with both the Egnater and Randall RM4 ?

Thanks again !
Yeah, they're cross-compatible... Randall modules work in Egnaters, Egnater modules work in Randalls (although only one channel of dual-channel Egnater modules work in Randalls).

I had a Randall MTS rig a couple years ago, sold it, and have recently decided to go with an Egnater rig. I, too, was surprised to find out that the cost difference (~1500 for a Randall with 4 modules vs. ~2000 for an Egnater with 4 dual-channel modules) was less than I thought it would be, esp. considering the extra versatility that the dual-channel modules bring.

Also, if you have an emergency and you need to recoup funds real quick, used m4s go for almost the same price as new ones on ebay, since not many people post them, while on the other hand, u can buy a fully loaded rm4 for around +/- $1200
3 Mile Stone said:
There's one on eBay right now. $1500 loaded with with 4 mods.

I've been watching that ..sssshhh :lol:
What do you think that will go for ? What would be the New price on that?
HAH! I'm going to load up my ebay snyper and buy it before you can! :) just kidding.. I did see it when it was posted and it does look yummy. I just got done watching those videos on indoor storm and the egnater erect sounds so much better than my recto module. I just cant get a good sound out of it. Everytime I think I've got it where I like it, I switch to the XTC module and I dont ever want to go back. Honestly, I dont know why I even mess with it as I find that I dont really care for the rectifier sound. Anyway, from what I've heard it sounds great! :)

UPDATE- Just won the M4 on eBay. A little more $ than I had hoped, but
less than the price of new, and no waiting !

Now it's module mania....

Thanks for the advice from all.

I plan to use my Mesa 20/20 stereo amp w/ EL34's into a 2x12 Traynor w/Celestions on the left, and 2x12 Basson on the right w/ Eminence speakers.
I hope it's a good match, if not I'll try the Randall amp...

I'm using a 20/20 with my M4 right now, I dig it....but I would like a little more clean headroom. I'm thinking of replacing it with a vht 50/50 when I get the cash, let me know how it works out for you.
Mesa and clean..? LOL I have the Triaxis currently going into the same setup , and on the clean channels I get decent headroom, unless I have to overdrive the power amp. This is with a '56 strat CS, with EMG-DG20 pu's ( the Gilmour set) . I play in the studio mainly, so db's are quite low. A 50/50 VHT should yield nice cleans for you.

Well...yeah...my main gig now is a cover band, so I need quite a variety of tones. At even moderate volumes the mesa starts to break up a bit, I can live with it...but you know how it is...there is always something better.
They sound better IMHO,the build quality,Oh ya CUSTOMER SERVICE,those guys are the finest people to deal with,they give you real personal service thats top notch......