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  1. G

    RG100 CLASSIC help (still no one has any info???)

    What kind of info are you looking for? I have an RGT 100 Combo that I picked up recently. I contacted Randall's customer service. This guy, [email protected], god bless him, sent me a PDF manual for the amp and a schematic! Give him a shout. Perhaps he can assist you.
  2. G

    RGT 100 Problem...FIXED!!!

    SUCCESS!! I got the amp working! It was, as I had suspected all along, my "NEWBNESS"! A $0.25 5W 470ohm resistor on the power board! ARRRGGH! Simply my mistake. As I studied, re-studied, re-checked, followed the circuit path, re-read the instructions on testing transformers making sure I...
  3. G

    RGT 100 Problem...FIXED!!!

    Hey Pat! Thank for the reply! Funny you mentioned that because about 30 minutes ago, I was actually comparing the Randall schematic which is a bit sketchy as far as signal path in some least for me. The way it's drawn, they often use a lettered legend method so one has to kind of...
  4. G

    RGT 100 Problem...FIXED!!!

    Hello all, I figured I'd try posting here to see if anyone may be able to shed some light on this problem. About 2 weeks ago, I warmed up the amp on standby for about 7 minutes, and then, when I switched to full power, one of the 1.5k resistors on one of th power tubes cooked. I quickly...
  5. G

    RGT 100 Any info?

    Hello, The preamp tubes are 12AX7s and the phase inverter is a 12AT7. Output tubes are 6L6s. Go for JJs. It'll warm up the amp significantly. As well, if I'm not mistaken, the 4558 Op Amp inside, is part of the reverb circuit. The speaker, G12H100 Celestion should be the stock speaker...