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  1. 6

    Which module is best for the Lynch/Wylde boosted Marshall?

    I think the SL+ is killer. I use it as my main module for dirty sounds. It's very versatile. I put the .001 cap in, btw.
  2. 6

    XTC mid-heavy?

    RM100 head with EL34's into a Randall 2 x 12 cab with Celestion V30's. However, I previously had 6L6's, and I had the same problem. Plus, I use an SL+ and a Mr. Scary, and I don't have this problem when I use them. When I turn the mids on the XTC up past halfway, it gets VERY harsh. I just can't...
  3. 6

    XTC mid-heavy?

    I have the XTC module, and it is VERY midrangey. I just wondered if this was normal. I hear people rave about the XTC, and I like it too, but if I push the mid control past 9 or 10 o'clock, it's too much. Mine is one of the pre-black stripe ones, btw. Could some of you XTC owners give me some...