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  1. sepherus

    WTT: Peavey 6505 slayer (Ultra Plus) for RM100/50/etc

    I have an rm50 I may be willing to part with for it. Pm me if you are interested.
  2. sepherus

    FS Sacred Groove modded Randall SL+ SOLD PENDING PAYMENT

    I'm interested, pm sent.
  3. sepherus

    Module that can cut thru stock 5150

    My primary guitar is a Sherman custom 27" 7 string with a maple/purpleheart laminate set neck, ebony board, koruna body, and BKP nail bombs. It has a very large full sound with plenty of attack. Other guitars I use frequently when playing with this group are an Epi LPC with pre label Duncan...
  4. sepherus

    Module that can cut thru stock 5150

    I'm going to try an SL+ or a boosted Plexi. I may not use EL34s/E34Ls, and try a KT style tube. They always sound big and full. KT77s still have that nice upper mid presence of ELs, and KT88s just have a nice broad midrange. Even if it doesn't work as I hope, I've been looking for and excuse to...
  5. sepherus

    Module that can cut thru stock 5150

    I know if you bias too cold you get a lot of crossover distortion also. Most quads of 6l6s will produce a lot of crossover distortion in a 5150, hence why the rhythm channel doesn't produce a common clean sound. Same with the 5152 with it's limited adjustable bias. It doesn't quite get far...
  6. sepherus

    Module that can cut thru stock 5150

    This was with my mids dimed and presence at about 4 oclock gain at about 11 o'clock. I also tried more balanced settings and they were worse. I tend to enjoy a large amount of midrange on my sound. Contrary to what many people think about metal most bands use a fairly healthy amount in the...
  7. sepherus

    Module that can cut thru stock 5150

    I recently started jamming with another guitarist and he is used to being in one guitar projects. His tone use just massive. He uses an EC1000 with duncans straight in to his stock 5150, NS2, and JCM 800 cab loaded with t75s. I'm using an RM50 with 6l6gc biased on the hot side. Usually an...
  8. sepherus


    PM sent, awaiting orders.
  9. sepherus

    why no 5150 mod???

    My Ultra XL is way too tight and bright to be a 5150. Not even a 5150II. it falls some where between the 5152 and the Engl E530 I used to own. Mine is old and missing both guards so it is possible it's been modded and I don't know it too.
  10. sepherus

    OHM load question

    That would be a 2 ohm load. That is the one thing I really hated about my Mesa 412 when I had it. I was also using 2 heads at the time, and I just don't like the sound of most heads at 4 ohms. I would just run mono 8 ohm if I were you. Since the V2 doesn't have a stereo power amp and the cab...
  11. sepherus


    How much are you looking for in a straight sale?
  12. sepherus

    Voodoo Amps Sear module

    Don't forget there is a "burn in" period. If you haven't been playing it for long the components still have a bit of settling to do and the tone may change a bit more.
  13. sepherus

    Egnater update

    Bruce, I would be content with what ever decision you make. I know the level of tone freak you must be as I have YET to play anything you are involved with that doesn't sound fantastic. As long as QC stays up I think most people will be more than ok with whatever decisions you make. You have to...
  14. sepherus

    What tubes in which module???

    Really? I notice a pretty big difference with V1 with high gain stuff. I actually tend to notice a bigger difference with the gain channels than the cleans. Granted most of the amps I've owned have been known more for the gain channels than the cleans. (5150, 5152, Trip Rec, Rectoverb, etc) The...
  15. sepherus

    What tubes in which module???

    The p1 I believe is supposed to be pI for phase inverter. It is usually the last tube in the chain. The 5751 is supposed to reduce gain/clipping a bit before the power tubes. I've never tested this out though so I cannot say from experience. The V1 (valve 1) tube is the first tube that your...
  16. sepherus

    Soon to be convert needs some advice

    Wow spam brought this back to life. LOL. I already have an RM4 as I plan on using it mostly for recording anyway and I'm working on getting my Rectoverb traded for a power amp, or an RM50 as I'd never use more than 2 channels live anyway. As for modules: I got a Ultra XL with the preamps, and...
  17. sepherus

    KH speakers

    Just to clear some stuff up if you plug a single head into both sides of the cab in stereo be sure that the head is set to 4 ohms as two 8 ohm loads run in parallel becomes a total of 4 ohms. If you are running 2 heads into the same cab it would be each head set to 8 ohms. As for the sound...
  18. sepherus

    Got my first MTS gear today (what's next?)

    Thanks for the warm welcome and recommendations. Not all of them fit my tastes, but thats is the joy of music. What suits one doesn't suit all. I do plan on using the setup for different projects and recording but there are only like 6 sounds I want at the moment. I already have a decent idea...
  19. sepherus

    Got my first MTS gear today (what's next?)

    So I snagged a used RM4 and an Ultra XL from nixerx on here. Everything came as described and for a very VERY reasonable price. My effects mix knob didn't survive the journey, but I need to open her up and poke around anyway. Needless to say though I am quite pleased so far. It seems as though...
  20. sepherus

    Good speakers for Randall gear?

    I have an WGS ET65 in an Avatar 212 paired with a Celestion V30 and the sound is so full and awesome. I definitely can suggest that. The ET65 is a a copy of the Celestion G12-65. It has a pretty tight low end, however the rest of the spectrum it shares more in common tonally with the Greenback...