Got my first MTS gear today (what's next?)

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
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So I snagged a used RM4 and an Ultra XL from nixerx on here. Everything came as described and for a very VERY reasonable price. My effects mix knob didn't survive the journey, but I need to open her up and poke around anyway.

Needless to say though I am quite pleased so far. It seems as though everyone has been describing the UXL as a 5150 type of sound, and I almost get that. It is definitely a bit tighter even with the bass dimed and has a quicker attack than a stock 5150 of any sort. The amount of gain on it is ungodly :twisted: There is no need for a TS with even my darkest 7 string guitars oddly enough. I am wondering if some one changed the C3 cap already. No complaints if so. Needless to say I cannot wait to get some more modules and a proper power amp soon. I've been running it into the return of my Rectoverb combo which even not cranked sounds pretty good together.

I am glad I took the blind risk already, especially after hearing the rave reviews of the various modders on the site. My biggest issue now is (after doing the minor repairs) what to fill it with. I have a few ideas in mind, but there are just so many options! And for the price of a new amp I can get the sounds of 4 or 5. I will be going one at a time and starting with stock modules before I send any out. I'm thinking a Topboost, Brahma or Super V for some decent classic crunchy sounds.... Opinions?
Congrats on the purchase. I am sure you will be well pleased. I love my MTS gear for metal and such.

As far as the FX mix knob i doubt you'll ever use it. It controls only the parallel loop and most people just use the serial loop.

My modules thusfar include something hi gain, like your UltraXL, something clean, like a blackface with 12at7's, something Marshally, and something Mesa-ish. For rock and metal those four modules will do everything you need.

Peace, Joshua
some random thoughts/advice after playing dozens of modded modules:

Salvation Mamba: this thing is my ultimate 7 string modern metal beast
Gigmods SL+: extremely versatile Marshall bliss; 800 on a switch. The JF Plexi with hi gain on a switch is also an excellent choice; haven't tried the Mash All...yet.
Salvation Stonerverb: this could do the classic crunch you seek, but will also go into Slipknot

There was a JF Tweed hanging on the classifieds cheap recently, that looked to be a great deal as Rob does excellent work.

Welcome to the madness.
I use the mix knob quite a bit as I use both the serial and parallel loops. When I max the mix I have to back the master down a bit to get back to the same level. No big deal.

As for a classic tones I mostly use Gigmods Plexi/Brown, AWESOME preamp! Stonerverb is a great alternate and would be in all the time if I had 4 slots. Mine actually gets cleaner than the Pete Plexi.
Thanks for the warm welcome and recommendations. Not all of them fit my tastes, but thats is the joy of music. What suits one doesn't suit all. I do plan on using the setup for different projects and recording but there are only like 6 sounds I want at the moment.

I already have a decent idea of what I want thanks to about 2 weeks of lurking, reading up, and of course listening to clips. I've talked with a few of the modification professionals to get an idea of where to start before I send anything to them.

I think one of the Vox based modules will be next as I love the Vox on the edge of breakup almost clean and the delicious overdrive they give. It probably helps I'm a huge Brian May fan also. I just need to recoup my wallet a bit first.
if you cant afford one of the expensive salvation modded nodules..consider a stock Top Boost..they are awesome in a very voxey way. sometimes found for $125
I like mine alot...kinda clean, but kinda dirty..very usable in many many settings.
you can hearme using my rm4 at
I use alot of diff modules in those videos..have a look and listen its LIVE.
Im in "The Fuse"
I think the newer topboost production has the coveted lo/mid gain mod factory set; the older stock ones are gained up quite a bit and seem to lose some of the Voxy flavor