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  1. E

    MTS Transformer Upgrades are here!

    OK that's good and bad news. Should i wait for the PT or not. And can you write a instruction to put it in, with picture. My father is electric professionel but he has no ideas about amps, but i think he can help me. Do you think is ther a big difference if i put in the PT or not, but then i...
  2. E

    Want to build a Head wth preamp out of a combo!!

    I have the Randall rm80 and want to build a Head. But the Head should be i combination of the rm80 and the m4. The only probem is i don't know if there will be any problem with the heat in the Head. It should be look like this. Sorry for the bad Picture. picture
  3. E

    MTS Transformer Upgrades are here!

    Hello that sounds great. But i'm complete newbie and have no idea about output transformers and otherthings, but i'm very interested. So my question can i do it by myself or do i need a amp professionel. I think to drill new holes is the easiest problem i have no idea how i do it in. Do i...
  4. E

    Is there a way

    There is a guy his name is gee donner, or ask okstrat where you can get such a switch in USA.
  5. E

    Is there a way 0,0005uf is the same like 500pf. I think this silva mica would fit. But it is very very tight. Which values do you want I would prefer 0,0005 then 0,0005 +0,0005= 0,001 and 0,0005 + 0,0022= 0,0027. Greetz
  6. E

    Is there a way

    Ok, what JKD want to say is, that a switch has a parrallel circuit. So that means. You have to solder the Cap with the lowest Value in c3 eg 0,0005uf. The switch has for example three ways, on/off/on. First on position you have e.g. 0,001 uf Secon on position you have 0,0022 uf. So the...
  7. E

    Is there a way

    If you can solder i can give you a instruction for a c3 Switch. So you can switch whenever you use an other cab. I think the grail C3 is 0,0005 uf. Greetz
  8. E

    Sl+ problems suddenly low volume!!

    Hello!! The tubes are ok, and i think the solder joints are also good, i put it out and in again with new solder, and the same thing. What could it be? Thanks
  9. E

    Sl+ problems suddenly low volume!!

    I putted in my Sl+ to play around and suddenly it so quiet. Level was cranked up and master about 1 o'clock and it is a bedroom volume and it is very muddy. Maybe the Tubes are broken, or which parts of the signal path determine the volume, because i soldered a 0,0022 uf in C3 and maybe i...
  10. E

    MTS Transformer Upgrades are here!

    I'am also interested but for my Rm80. Is ther anyway to get it for the Rm80. thanks
  11. E

    SL+ / Plexi Hybrid!

    @muzapstar Which module do you want to mod i'm also interestet to work on Modules modification. Gee is a great guy he helps me to mod my sl+ to a switchable sl+ and Jcm800 Module with tight switch. It sounds great. No i have a E-rect in which I also made a Tight switch, and i also have a Pete...
  12. E

    Some cap and resistor info..

    Oh very good this is that i want to know. Ok i do it with th values you writed and my switch. Thank you
  13. E

    Some cap and resistor info..

    Hey gee!! I made a picture of my wiring system that i believe it is ok, but i don't know about the values can i take the values on the picture or do i have to take other values because of parallel seriell switching. The picture: then the...
  14. E

    Some cap and resistor info..

    Yes i like it. It's very cool, the things that i do now is only because i want to what can be possible or how it changes the sound. Where i can find mullard, but i heard that those have the same effect, Thanks for all...
  15. E

    Some cap and resistor info..

    Hey GEE!! I want to mod the signal path of my sl with better parts like you, but how i see which value the caps have. What i have done. C3 orange drops second switch with c14 and c15 500pf, jumper at R32 ( it work) R1, R2, R3 150 ohm Resistors and R31 33k What i want to change is C16, C17 to...
  16. E

    Using another preamp with RM100 head

    You need an AB/Y Switch so you can plug into both and with a footstep you choose your preamp or the Rm100. Or a more professional way ist to have a looper like vodoo GCX with groundcontrol. Then you can switch betweewn the Channels only with one foot step. Greetz
  17. E

    To the RD Guys!! (Logo and Faceplates)

    Hello!! First i'm from Europe. I have a Rm80 with Sl+ modded by myself, a Stock E-rect and Ultra okstrat modded, a stock blackface, plexi is on its way. Now the Rm80 is very hard to carry that's why i want to build a Head and a cab out of the Rm80 with some visuall Customizing. What i need...
  18. E

    what module has the best recto tone?

    Is the grail better than the erect. I have a erect but maybe i should look for a grail. LG
  19. E

    Some cap and resistor info..

    Can i Take this it isn 0,5watt.
  20. E

    Some cap and resistor info..

    IN which genre of shops i can go to find such a resistors. I can't find 150ohm resistors. LG