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  1. B

    HELP: No sound coming from Rm100

    UPDATE: Amp is back in my hands and sounds as good as ever. The short managed to actually blow the traces off the # 3 tube but was apparently a quick enough fix. Glad to have her back. Recording soon.
  2. B

    HELP: No sound coming from Rm100

    Just got word today. The impedance selector switch somehow got damaged, causing a short and multiple fuses to blow. It's repaired now but the shop won't actually be open until Friday. Still good to hear it was something rather simple and not major.
  3. B

    HELP: No sound coming from Rm100

    Welp at this point I've done everything I could and still no luck. There were two slow-blow fuses behind the midi-inputs that had blown as well so we went back and got replacements for those. I turned it on and let it warm up. No sound fromt he speakers, but sound seemed to be coming from the...
  4. B

    HELP: No sound coming from Rm100

    So I think we may have found the culprit; a tiny tube fuse blew in this section of the amp, right behind the red-wire. Going to the local electronics store to see if they have that fuse. Here's hoping this fixes the issue.
  5. B

    HELP: No sound coming from Rm100

    Wouldn't the tube failure lights light up though if it was an issue with the tubes, or is there something I'm missing? When we get off work we'll have a look and take pics if there is any noticeable damage.
  6. B

    HELP: No sound coming from Rm100

    We're about 90% certain it's something internal. All power tunes light up, fuses next to the tube appear to be okay. Preamp tubes in the chasis light up as well. I haven't tried plugging into the series input so I'll do that when I go back over tonight.
  7. B

    HELP: No sound coming from Rm100

    Last Friday we played a gig and my Rm100 was working perfectly. Today we unpacked our gear and I was setting my amp up. When I turned my amp the sound was really work and I saw a flash come out of the back of my amp near where module 1 would is installed. I checked to see if a tube went bad. All...
  8. B

    A question about KT88's vs KT66's

    Thanks for your replies guys. After doing some research I think I will in stick with the 6L6s although I haven't ruled KT66's out completely either. Anyone know anything about them vs 6L6s?
  9. B

    A question about KT88's vs KT66's

    I know there are million and one topics on the subject of tubes and certainly these have been debated to death. Right now I'm running my RM100 on 50w as the dreaded failed tube light has went up one of the tubes after three years. I've secretly been hoping for this day to come because now it's...
  10. B

    RM100 midi foot controller not responding.

    Thanks for the response. If that's the case then I could get this up and running tonight. I'll have to wait until my co-guitarist gets back as my amp is at his place where we practice. What type of fuse does it use?
  11. B

    RM100 midi foot controller not responding.

    I've bought my RM100 over a year ago off of a friend and so far it's been an amazing amp. Recently, however, it's developed a problem. The foot-switch will light up but often not switch between channels and now recently it won't light up at all unless you jiggle the cable. I've bought a new midi...