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  1. W

    JF Quick Mod

    For mid-low ODS, RVERB, PlexiTweed or maybe even Graintone (not tried)... Lot's of options for mashally/boogie. Choose your poison, I'm having a huge problem in keeping my selection of pre's under 10.
  2. W

    WAY overdue: Official HW-103 demo now available!

    I'm kind of curious as to why he uses impulses to demo the modules instead of a mic? Seems odd but w/e, it's not reflective of the modules in any way.. just a nag...
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    JF GrailTone .....

    I feel so confused as to what this really is...
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    Vybe Deluxe

    ok, *drools*
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    WTB - a very good set of Alnico bridge PUPS

    Looking for a good bridge pickup for a LP. Preferably a top quality for a trusty axe which I'm not that happy with my current bridge.
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    Something wicked this way comes...

    can't wait to see/hear them. exciting
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    Sell me 2 mods

    oh man, where to start.
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    Vybe Deluxe

    What I'd like to know, is what set's this module apart from the other clean modules like Plexi-tweed, or Blackface? If you already had Plexi-tweed would this offer anything new to warrant getting it?
  9. W

    JF built me an Ampeg Gemini II module! It's Great!

    I would be more interested in it if there was a nice faceplate and soundclips etc. Not really sure what to expect but it sounds intriguing.
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    JF built me an Ampeg Gemini II module! It's Great!

    Rob, are you going to offer this as a regular mod or is this a one-time thing?
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    JF built me an Ampeg Gemini II module! It's Great!

    sound clips please. sounds like it could be a nice kind of OD.
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    How do you eq your signal when using speaker sims?

    Cool, I think I'm just really try to explore different things. It could be something that I have to try something even if it is worse (or not), otherwise I would just never know the difference. I'm sure it took you years to develop your ears so that you can fine tune making amps (which is kind...
  13. W

    How do you eq your signal when using speaker sims?

    i have this belief that I think every guitarist has to have a 'secret sauce' eq somewhere in the chain, and that it probably lies in a personal eq flavor. Just trying to pick you guy's heads for more ideas.
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    How do you eq your signal when using speaker sims?

    Thanks for the insights into your recording chains. For myself, I just can't get into using a DI/REAMP to record with. I'm the kind of guy that frets about what kind of cable I'm using and never want to use excess pedals if not necessary. So, for me running my signal through 2 transformers, a...
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    How do you eq your signal when using speaker sims?

    Hey, I'm looking for tips to improve my guitar recording process using speaker EMU's.. Currently I'm doing the speaker EMU thing, so I'm only focusing on that for the moment, so that means any dynamics, EQ or other 'rack' gear to utilize I will consider it (GAS). How do you eq or process your...
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    Any love for the stock Recto mod???

    Absolutely. It's a sound that sounds super big, when you need it. I generally stick to mid-gain sounds but when you want a thick tone, use this.
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    Amp Testing - 5150 III, Nitro, Quickrod vs RM100

    cool info. thanks. Fellow like myself never gets to play real amps that often, but to me MTS is the real thing (as opposed to amp sims).
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    Plexi-er/ Tweed-ier

    Anything that makes it fuzzy or a different tone for leads would be nice without adding too much gain IMO. Extra bright switch might be good.
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    some moody dumble jamming

    A sample of some riffing and improvising on original beat. Feedback or suggestions welcomed.
  20. W

    Happy Holidays from all of us here at Jaded Faith Mods!

    happy holidays everyone, and thank Rob for providing us the tones that he does.