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  1. W

    Opinion need for new JF Mod

    plexi-tweed better clean for gnr than bf imo. distortion is great for rhythm tone imo - the boost feature is just excellent here OD spec - just a raw open tone which kills for leads. does any thrashy mid-gain playing very well imo. :)
  2. W

    Jaded Faith Mods Black Friday Sale EXTENDED FOR CYBER MONDAY

    No offense, but donor modules aren't worth $150 IMO. Great deal though, I'm just happy that he has them available.
  3. W

    Billy Corgan goes through his MTS rig

    Lets break down what he said he's using 8 Preamps 60's - Selmer MARS - "Solo amp", "I am 1" video, early material ?marshall based? Reeves - "Jimmy" Led Zeppelin 1 amp Rhandy Rhoads Marshall LTD Edition HiWatt - Jimmy Vamp Amp - Fuzz Mod - Oceania, T-Rex played Deizel VH4 - Late 90's early 00'...
  4. W

    Billy Corgan goes through his MTS rig

    Lets break down what he said he's using 8 Preamps 60's - Selmer MARS - "Solo amp", "I am 1" video, early material Reeves - "Jimmy" Led Zeppelin 1 amp Rhandy Rhoads Marshall LTD Edition HiWatt - Jimmy Vamp Amp - Fuzz Mod - Oceania, T-Rex played Deizel VH4 - Late 90's early 00' SuperTrem...
  5. W

    Billy Corgan goes through his MTS rig

    COOL, some interesting stuff! I love those rig-walthroughs. Fuzz mod? That sounds pretty cool, Billy is getting is fuzz tones from MTS now. That Blue strat is just beautiful.
  6. W

    Top module that Rob should Create

    How about a step up from modules? How about a amp or hot rodded rm22 with a absolute killer input stage? How about a amp that blends 2 modules? How about a amp with 2 input stages?
  7. W

    Top module that Rob should Create

    You mean you guys aren't satisfied with what Rob already makes? Selfish greedy bastards. (ps don't get offended)
  8. W

    JF Quick Mod video anyone?

    Sorry mate, you were the first one to start getting pissy. take it ez. chill out a bit, don't let the bed bugs bite ya.
  9. W

    JF Quick Mod video anyone?

    OK... Video it must be to hear the sound, makes complete sense. Maybe you shouldn't be looking at mts after all. GL
  10. W

    JF Quick Mod video anyone?
  11. W

    JF Quick Mod video anyone?

    Look again, you can't be trying hard enough. I wasn't try to be helpful I was try to help you help yourself.
  12. W

    JF Quick Mod video anyone?

    So you need videos to hear the sound of the modules.... ok.
  13. W

    JF Quick Mod video anyone?

    Sorry but I see people here asking the same question without look 2 or 3 posts down for the same or similar questions. Rob has a complete collection of all of his modules on his website.
  14. W

    OD Special....

    So here is the cleanest I could get. The gain is on 0.5 (7:30), and dressed it up a bit with some verb and delay.. I suppose it's possible but its a very different kind of clean that I'm used to, it's seems kinda like a subdued clean with the gain that...
  15. W

    JF Quick Mod video anyone?

    they already exist so why not do the work and google it.
  16. W

    dummy load DI?

    here is one I was looking at. much cheaper than the other loadbox/attenuators.
  17. W

    OD Special....

    Some have described as being able to do clean, but I wouldn't. IMO it's distinctly overdrive through and through. The tone is super rich with awesome sustain.
  18. W

    OD SPEC settings

    Cheers, I think I found my problem. The Boost to the right boost a deep signal, which was giving me more bass than expected. It's a odd function than I'm used for a boost switch but its' all good now. Mid down Boost left' Gain 1-2 ish Deep off sounds much better. this module can be one of...
  19. W

    OD SPEC settings

    must just be having one of those days when it's hard to get a good tone no matter what you do..... still interested in OD signal chains though :))
  20. W

    OD SPEC settings

    I have rev4 I believe. 04/12 btw Rob, it's not as though I don't like the tones, I'm just trying to find optimal tones that sound good in the mix, specifically rhythm tone. cheers