dummy load DI?

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Well-known member
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Beacon, NY
anyone know of an affordable dummy load DI, not Palmer, that would allow bypassing the speaker, using the mods, and straight into DAW?

I know Mesa made one but still they are 400 US, is there an easy small package unit out there?
Weber makes attenuators with 2 different kind of outputs (you can get either qtr inch or balanced xlr). This page goes thru a fair bit of info prior to showing you their options towards the bottom:

so many to choose. thanks.

If I'm going to run ear full master on an RM50 them 100watts, no?

are they noisy? have you used one?
here is one I was looking at.


much cheaper than the other loadbox/attenuators.
Grab a load (box). Grab a separate DI. Depending on your amp, you can then run a single speaker out to the DI, with an out from that to your recording rig, and a through to a load. Or, one speaker out to the DI, the other to the load. This provides an untainted out for recording. This is what I use right now (sort of).

BTW- the DI signal can also be mult'd; one to recording rig, another to a power amp to a cab for "live" playing. I prefer this to monitoring via my DAWquencer. Plus, I can then rest the headstock on the cab if I want :lol: Mult your signal direct from the guitar too; one to the guitar rig, one to your recording rig. This allows for reamping and such later.
withmittens said:
so many to choose. thanks.

If I'm going to run ear full master on an RM50 them 100watts, no?

Not quite
If you are going to dime your amp out and attenuate it down to very quiet volumes then we recommend using an attenuator that is rated for twice the power of your amp's rated output.
If you're gonna run (near) full attenuation, you're gonna need twice the amps wattage in a Weber unit

I also don't think you're gonna have a clean channel left when running the amp's MV at 11 ;)
You know I bought the Weber based on the feature set and reviews I'd read, and planned to use it with th rm22 that I had...

While waiting to receive the Weber I traded the rm22 to a fellow selling his rm4 and rt2/50, so it hasn't been given a work out (yeah...duh) - so I have the 50wt Weber and haven't used it. The opportunity was too good to pass up.

The speaker mechanism intrigued me though, and I plan to keep it in case I pick up a lower wattage head for home use sometime. The rm22 doesn't have a master volume and it just wasn't tonaly appealing to me.

There is some good advice above though so I say pick a method and run with it.

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