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  1. W

    Post some pics of your rigs!!

    hehe, no don't work them, but yes a big fan of anything made of metal like the stuff they build :)) JDX is so-so, it only really sounds good when you can play your amp simulaneously (with the speaker on). But it's ok, you can do some different thing like if you want speaker EMU even silently...
  2. W

    Post some pics of your rigs!!

    ultimate DI and guitar frontend free image hosting here it is, pretty happy with things right now, might add a EXTC to the mix, perhaps a set of decent ADDA for DAW things
  3. W

    Some new and some updated mods....

    I got myself a PlexiTweed, that I'm still getting accustomed to.. I was amazed really, how low-gain this one is, it can easily fill the clean channel duties I'm thinking, well maybe not but anyways. One of the most 'chimiest' module I've heard at low gain you can still get decent Volume at...
  4. W

    Looking for new buffer/splitter w/9V capability

    Hey friends, looking again for new gear, this time a new buffer/fx loop type pedal. Possibly to buffer/boost and/or split and is ultra-low noise high quality.
  5. W

    Instrument level mod anyone?

    instrument level mod? doesn't sound right. Radial EXTC non-500 series coming soon...
  6. W

    Clipping based modules?

    Any Diode/Triode or other style 'clipping' modules?
  7. W


    I have several GM modules, I have to say (in my experience) the EQ is quite different from other offerings I've heard. Probably the way he tunes them or something, not bad in any way just a flavor. Also could sound different with different amp/cab variations.... that is just my theory...
  8. W

    Beat it Gigmods Plexi youtube

    v nice! You should do a whole track/remix of it.
  9. W

    Speaker Simulation Software for RTAS

    I was gonna mention Two Notes but I forgot. It's decent and has recieved updates recently... Not a dead product.
  10. W

    Dummy Load Box

    Don't get THD Hotplate just for interfacing the powersection. It's completely not what it's meant for (but does provide line out). You can get a far cheaper solution custom made from most any guitar tech shop. I got mine for less that a $100 and works great.
  11. W

    Recording with an RM4 Only?

    two-notes has a powersection simulator "torpedo PI FREE" It might help using between speaker cabs which are too dry. Only 1 set of tubes in the free version but multiple in the full version... It has decent density/presence control...
  12. W

    Different density/presence boards

    Thank you so much for posting this. I will be pulling my board and sending PM.
  13. W

    Effects Loop Question

    Lots of people use that with just a EQ in the chain... Sometimes I like running to effects then straight to the mixer for a totally raw sound that I like sometimes. I don't know if anyone else does that though... Try like 100% wet reverb or delay straight to the board.
  14. W

    MTS based floor unit would be cool

    You know, what would be cool is if the Modular AMP would have a complete modular system.. HI-Z Circuit Module (below the input) Presence/Density module Preamp :shock:
  15. W

    Salvo or JF?

    Don't talk about it, do it.
  16. W

    Salvo or JF?

    My personal experience so far is simply hit-or-miss. I have found average - average - average sound then 1 awesome!!! module. Try many and look to pick up on the deals when you can. You can always sell modules you don't like. I don't think any of the big modders here will let you down.
  17. W

    Picked up a JF Super Clean

    Looks awesome.
  18. W

    Speaker Simulation Software for RTAS

    I would recommend the latest Nebula programs from Ownhammer for the best result if your serious about getting a good sound though... I also run my Powersection through a attenuator which gives a fatter sound, though not everyone prefers that route. Actually I recently found that I like to run...
  19. W

    Speaker Simulation Software for RTAS

    mixIR by Redwirez is free if you buy his Impulse bundle. There is other free ones too. For the best results check out Nebula PRO (not free) and the latest technology from This one sounds VERY good...
  20. W

    OD pedal suggestions?

    I want to get one or all of these all class A made by audiophile guys. If all you need is to tighten your sound Radial is my god pedal. Sometimes simpler is better, and uses less cables.