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  1. B

    Synergy M4 - interest?

    Just curious if a Synergy M4 would generate more interest than the 2-module preamps or heads. I know I can get two SYN002s and treat that like an M4, but a single appliance would be simpler. I swear the M4 rig I had sounded better than the MOD50 I've been using since January. Seems like the...
  2. B

    Mod50 with two modules - but which?

    I was going to say get the VX and the EG3/4, then do the 'X' mod to the EG3/4. Reason is, IMO, ChB of the VX can do the British/classic rock sound, no problem. VX ChA can do CLEAN clean, if you want, on up to light overdrive. Then EG3/4X would give you two channels of a tighter higher gain...
  3. B

    Breadboard product interest?

    As long as we had some 'recipes' to go by, I'm all for DIY!
  4. B

    Egnater Mod Sell-Off?

    Think we'll see an influx of Egnater modules hit the used market once the Synergy-era stuff starts rolling out? Seems like mods are few and far between on Ebay, Reverb and the forums lately. Just wondering if folks are holding on to them until they see new stuff is actually going to make it to...
  5. B

    Egnater mods: gain pot PCB

    Been modding my SL2 and VX modules lately, and here's one thing I've noticed: on both modules, they use 1M pots for gain on BOTH channels. The pots are mounted to a board, the only other parts being two resistors (R1 and R2). Since the pots are the same, do those resistors control the amount...
  6. B

    JF Foglifter: MOD50 reviews?

    Reading more and more about the Jaded Faith Foglifter, and the (overwhelming) consensus seems to be that it is the proverbial 'blanket removed from my amp'-type difference. Thinking about it for my MOD50, but all of the reviews seem to be for the MTS amps. Anybody installed/using a Foglifter in...
  7. B

    WTB: Egnater EG3/4 dual module

    Yeah, only have three modules at the moment, and digging them too much to trade right now. thx
  8. B

    WTB: Egnater EG3/4 dual module

    Yes, thanks, dual-only. Got the EG5 on the way.
  9. B

    WTB: Egnater EG3/4 dual module

    Thanks! Emailed last night to the address in your sig.
  10. B

    WTB: Egnater EG3/4 dual module

    Looking for an Egnater EG3/4 dual module. Don't want anything beat-up/gigged to death, but if you've got one in excellent shape that you're looking to sell, PM me. Thanks,
  11. B

    Played a bunch of amps today

    Nice It'll be interesting to see if Friedman does a SS module for Synergy. So far, we know about the BE and HBE, plus rumors of a Dirty Shirley mod.
  12. B

    What mods have yet to be done that you would want?

    Dual EQ version of the EG3/4 Dual EQ version of the EG5 X-mod versions of the SL2, BMAN and EG3/4 (no mention yet if the new Synergy ones are moddable) Bogner Ecstasy (Ch2 and Ch3) Bogner Uberschall Combination Friedmans (Custom45/BE, and high-gain Custom45/HBE). The previous Egnater SL and...
  13. B

    Synergy 2016 line (just keeping track) NOT OFFICIAL

    Any word on what would be a good LEAD/midrangey module? Something along the lines of a Mesa Mark series or the Egnater EG3/4 (or EG3/4X)?
  14. B

    The Jace NAMM Synergy report

    SO excited about these - I have a MOD50 + modules on the way. I guess my two big questions are: 1) Regarding the BE: when Friedman previously did mods to the Egnater SL and SL2 modules, the SL became the Custom45/BE module and the SL2 became the high-gain Custom45/HBE module. Are the channels...
  15. B

    Synergy 2016 line (just keeping track) NOT OFFICIAL

    Wasn't that about the same price as an empty Egnater M4 when he a did a run of those a year or two ago? I know it's not the same technology, but still; two empty slots vs four at the same price.
  16. B

    New modular systems?

    Cool, thx My previous M4 setup was TWIN, VX, SL2X and EG5. I could get pretty much any sound I wanted from those options. Trying to find that again - really looking forward to hearing the Friedman BE mod.
  17. B

    New modular systems?

    In case I missed it, are the original Egnater dual-modules going to be available, but redubbed 'Synergy'?
  18. B

    Amp kits??

    This. Documentation for the build process would be a must; not necessarily hand-holding, but for those of us that can use a soldering iron just fine but need the do's-dont's-and-here's-why about amp guts. And this. I'd love to take the class, but the travel and cost is a bit prohibitive. Not...
  19. B

    Anyone here going to NAMM?

    Any word on what the dealer distribution is going to be like? Will everything go through Tone Merchants?