Synergy 2016 line (just keeping track) NOT OFFICIAL

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Well-known member
May 13, 2012
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Beacon, NY
While I wait for Synergy to come out, as I am waiting for a new power amp purchase, I thought I would compile what models we know will be appearing at NAMM 2016, January based on what Synergy itself has said

Pre-amp housings:

" Includes patented SAG circuit (licensed from Fryette) and adjustable via front panel knob, effects loop, speaker emulated XLR DI output (sounds sweet) with level, ground lift and Cab Sim bypass..."

Syn001, single pre-amp external housing
Syn002, dual pre-amp external housing


Syn5050 Power amp, Rack mount 50/50 watt mono/stereo power amp (6L6 tubes, no bias points) Made by Fryette

Syn50 Head. 50 Watt head housing 2? pre-amps (combo not available now)

8 dual channel pre-amps from various contributors (Friedman, Soldano, Diezel, Fryette, Morgan, 65Amps, Egnater, Supro (under development)

Channel switching via MIDI/included footswitch only. Manual channel switch will need to be after market modification for older RM users

Official Pricing:

SYN1 $499
SYN2 $799
SYN50 $1995
SYN5050 $1195

It's all in here------------->>>>>

These are what have been said to be definite for January as far as I know. if this changes I'll edit this original post

I'm not real sure of further details regarding the features of each of these so i won't say until it's posted somewhere

looking forward to a new power amp purchase
personally, I am disappointed that the SYN50/50 does not have external bias points and runs 6L6, does not have a negative feedback control and does not have scale-able power

although I'm sure it will be a fine sounding amp it leaves out 3 major tweaks talked about a whole lot on this forum over the years. The SAG circuit showing up on the pre's rather than the amp also is a disappointment.

while I can only guess why these choices were made I am really bummed out that they were. seems that no one will make a power amp that serves as a true utility for guitar players of all types. While the system (MTS) is designed to allow players to dial in a multitude of tones for studio through small gig use to large venues, it would have been great to have an amp that served everyone.

Since the 25 watt version of the rack amp is unfinished I will keep some hope

maybe these features are viewed as unimportant or not very good by amp builders. The power section weaknesses of MTS amps have long been discussed. I can only assume these issues were addressed in some form within the circuitry of the new amps and have been tweaked by the magic ears of their masters and that this will somehow apply to my own needs
withmittens said:
personally, I am disappointed that the SYN50/50 does not have external bias points and runs 6L6, does not have a negative feedback control and does not have scale-able power

although I'm sure it will be a fine sounding amp it leaves out 3 major tweaks talked about a whole lot on this forum over the years. The SAG circuit showing up on the pre's rather than the amp also is a disappointment.

while I can only guess why these choices were made I am really bummed out that they were. seems that no one will make a power amp that serves as a true utility for guitar players of all types. While the system (MTS) is designed to allow players to dial in a multitude of tones for studio through small gig use to large venues, it would have been great to have an amp that served everyone.

Since the 25 watt version of the rack amp is unfinished I will keep some hope

maybe these features are viewed as unimportant or not very good by amp builders. The power section weaknesses of MTS amps have long been discussed. I can only assume these issues were addressed in some form within the circuitry of the new amps and have been tweaked by the magic ears of their masters and that this will somehow apply to my own needs
Idk, I'm willing to bet they tried to cram in as much stuff as possible. 4x6L6 in a 1U is pretty crazy when you think about it.
no doubt they did. 6L6 seems an odd choice to lock into, given that the most mods sold have British styles. Also, I'd be happy to open the box to bias.
not that I've heard. Synergy said something about the Syn 2 being $799 but it wasn't final or official--just a guess
Wasn't that about the same price as an empty Egnater M4 when he a did a run of those a year or two ago?

I know it's not the same technology, but still; two empty slots vs four at the same price.
Seems reasonable
Do we know other than an extra slot is there any other differences between the syn 1 and 2
I am curious what modules
I see there is an slo and a hbe
Curious about the morgan and the 65 amps
hmic10 said:
Seems reasonable
Do we know other than an extra slot is there any other differences between the syn 1 and 2

so far they seem to have the same features as listed above. hopefully they will make videos from the booth
SAdly, what seemed reasonable as pricing no longer is for my **** ass canadian dollar so I won't be getting my hands dirty in these until our dollar can come back up to a reasonable yeah, never lol. I paid about 395$ for a judge years ago so I think that is a fair price for the modules designed by the big names themselves. I would think 349$ would have been a better number but maybe online retailers will bring the prices down a bit. I'd want to get my hands on a Soldano. Two channels on these is fantastic. Low to higher gain with the push of the button. Genius and value for your dollar.
chrismilne said:
What about the SYN25, any word on pricing?

the 25 watt amps aren't fully developed yet. I reckon they're offering these existing units then going back to finish the 25's. I am interested in the 25 watt rack myself, although I don't know if it'll just be a head or combo or both.

The pricing seem pretty good. although a new setup of amp and pres will cost as much as your choice of boutique setups, a lot more versatility, though

the ideal rig for me is my RM4 + the Syn25/25 a Dirty Shirley pre and my existing mods. maybe a Bogner pre if they come. but it anly matters if the amp does not sound stiff and restrained like the RM power section

I wonder if anyone does a Dual Channel mod to the RM4's.......? Otherwise someone will need to offer a channel switching mod to the new pre's.
According to Synergy when i asked on facebook, there will be an internal switch for modules that have 2 separate channels (not sure exactly what that means, vs a dual channel that is not separate) for use on older single channel preamps?

They do not plan on having an external switch at least at the beginning, a 3rd party modder would have to do that...
MarcoR said:
Prices look great and are right where I expected them to be. I'm in on this for sure.

I was hoping for $300 modules, but the prices aren't suprising. If these sound as good as I hope then it probably won't matter too much but i've been on the edge of moving on to using combinations of Mini-Heads or the Kemper profiler. Now i'll probably be sticking around longer for sure assuming at least the BE or HBE are what i've been looking for!

It sucks a bit having an old single channel preamp, I assume the resale value of those are shot as well now.
I bet an RM4 will stay around 400+. that's half a SYN002 and many people don;t care about dualies, especially with the used market and existing mods available.
withmittens said:
I bet an RM4 will stay around 400+. that's half a SYN002 and many people don;t care about dualies, especially with the used market and existing mods available.

SYN002 is $800 with two modules? Where are you seeing prices?