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  1. N

    Love/Hate relationship with RM4

    Bought a spankin new RM4 unit about a month ago loaded it with a Blackface, Top Boost, 1086, & XTC modules & sent it through a Peavey Classic 50/50 rackmount power amp & was blown away by the tone, specially the 1086 module, that module smokes anything in sound i've ever played through, then the...
  2. N

    Who has had problems with thier MTS and who hasn't?

    Got an RM4 from Sweetwater about 4 hours into playing the output of the unit decreased to about half, so i would turn it off and restart it, it did that for a while then it started chirping and then a week later it went to putting out about half the output again then a week later it finally...
  3. N

    Ventilation of RM4?

    How much ventilation does the RM4 need? Here's what I have: Monster Power Center 2500 (1 rack space) RM4 Preamp (2 rack spaces) TC Electronics Gmajor (1 rack space) Peavey Classic 50/50 Power Amp (2 rack spaces) Can I fill a up a 6 space rack case with this stuff without having an open rack...
  4. N

    to heavy and unstable rig. suggestions?

    need some suggestions if anyone can jump in here... I just got a great sounding rack setup but its all very heavy and doesn't sit very stable on top of my slant marshall 4x12, here's what I got: Monster PowerCenter PRO 2500(1 rack space) Randall RM4 preamp (2 rack spaces) TC Electronics GMajor...
  5. N

    Effects & Things, Vox Tonelab?

    I'm currently using the Vox Tonelab SE floor unit in my setup with the Randall RM4 and a Peavey Poweramp and a Gmajor between the RM4 and my power amp. I Use the Vox as a midi controller and some "In front" of the amp effects like wah, compression, volume and an occasional phaser on solo's for...
  6. N

    Need help-just got mt RM4/ and 2/50 power amp

    I have the XTC module and will be getting the 1086 and Top Boost here this week I'll let you know how it works out & maybe that will help you.
  7. N

    Better sound sample of modules?

    After I asked my question about the sound samples of the modules sucking on the Randall site I ran across some old posts about some better samples that they use to have, someone even posted a link but that was a couple of years ago so the samples no longer exist there, does anyone have those old...
  8. N

    RM4 & the Gmajor

    Sounds like a lot a guys use a Gmajor in thier setup as do I, also seems like the majority use it (among other processors) between the RM4 and the power amp instead of going thru one of the effects loops, so 3 questions here: 1. What's the difference between putting the Gmajor in the effect...
  9. N

    anybody use External EQ units with thier RM4

    Valid comment, although I've factored that in but not until my last setup and it didn't seem to matter much where I set my bass, mid, Treble knobs, the last set up was a Tradmark 300 which is an all "analog" 300 watt amp, but still not a tube amp. I ran it through a Marshall 4x12 slant cab and...
  10. N

    Examples sounds of modules on the Randall site?

    Is it just me, but the last time I listened to the examples of the different modules that are posted on the Randall website, all the high gain modules had the same high gain sound and all the clean modules had the same clean sound? maybe something was wrong with my connection, or I really am...
  11. N

    anybody use External EQ units with thier RM4

    With all my other amps in the past, I always got the same complaint from my other bandmates and it was, "your tone is mushy and doesn't cut through the mix" so on my last set up which was a Trademark 300 from Tech 21 (yeah I know, not a tube amp), I put in an Eq in my signal chain and that...
  12. N

    Another Midi question

    Got the midi thing worked out, not sure what SacredGroove ment by " you don't have to store presets on the RM4" because the way I figured, you do have to store presets, cause when I hooked up my Vox and used it as my midi controller and went through the the program changes 1-4 The Vox switched...
  13. N

    Another Midi question

    Okay that being said, I have more than 4 program changes in my Vox what if I wanted to go to program change 5 on my Vox but have it switch to whatever module i happen to have in the channel 1 slot? is it even possible to do that on the RM 4? which brings me to another question, on the RM4 what...
  14. N

    Another Midi question

    This question is somewhat related to my last one I just posted, as I stated I'm going to use the midi on my Vox Tonelab SE to do the channel switching on the RM4 and I'm not sure how to store presets, the manual only refers on how to store presets using the Randall 4 button midi footswitch, but...
  15. N

    The RM 4 & Midi

    Just got my RM4 today and have some concerns about how the midi works on this as there is not much info in the users manual, and I've read some reviews & posts where some guys have had problems figuring out the midi functions of the RM4. I have the Vox tonelab SE that I'll be using as a midi...
  16. N

    Commonly used modules?

    So what are everyones fav's for the Randall modules (not counting the Egnater ones, at least not yet)? I play in a cover band where we do mostly rock, everything from classic to current... Hollies, Metallica to Sublime, AC/DC to Fall Out Boy, but we throw in a few country tunes and some funk and...
  17. N

    Where do I post WTB

    Which section of the forum is the best to post Want to Buy topics? I'll need to purchase a couple more modules and look into maybe purchasing a used RT2/50, if anyone has one. :?:
  18. N

    too many volume adjustments?

    first thanks for the replies on my first post, leads me to other questions... just thinking about when i get this rig set up, each module will have a level adustment then the RM4 has a (master) output level then if i run the RM4 directly into the Gmajor as someone suggested, the Gmajor has its...
  19. N

    new RM4, just made the leap... suggestions?

    Just purchased a new RM4 chassis with an XTC module and a modified blackface (ebay). I'll probably end up purchasing the RT2-50 or a VHT two/fifty/two at some point but right now I can't make the purchase but I own a Peavey 50/50 Classic rackmount power amp and wondering if anyone out there runs...