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Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. R

    Props to Randall Service...RD/Ryan is the man! :D

    thanks for the words, guys! We do strive to be as helpful, honest, and pleasant as possible.
  2. R

    RM4 still drops out when switching channels

    We're still waiting, as well. I haven't forgot, my office is full of reminder post-it notes!
  3. R

    Thumb Screws

    i aim to please!
  4. R

    have i said lately...

    $80 for a 212 cab, $149 for a 412 cab. They are available, by the way!
  5. R

    RM4 still drops out when switching channels

    don't worry, gents i haven't forgot! Just waiting to get them in so i can sprinkle them across the land and then we can all enjoy some super fast channel switching action!