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  1. C

    What kind of guitars do you guys use?

    washburn d200 tunned to drop a with .13 - .59 strings... randall RH150 dg3 amp with the RX cab :D
  2. C

    Good listenings!

    the new MESHUGGAH and THE ACACIA STRAIN albums 8)
  3. C

    RANDALL RH300 VS RH150

    what's the difference? is it only in watts or...?
  4. C

    Pantera fans enter!

    hahaha :lol: yeah, but still...i managed to convince them to play i'm broken as a tribute to a guy that died 2 years ago...the next gig we do is a tribute concert for that guy so after our regular song line up we're tossin' that one into the crowd :wink:
  5. C

    Pantera fans enter!

    yeah, domination is a tricky one...but i quite can't get my band to play it :cry: they're not into pantera...goddamn it :D