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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
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Someone please help me out with this:

my band is closing our set with the breakdown section from 'domination' off cfh and Im not exactly sure whats going on with the tapping part dime plays around 4 measures in.

if anyone knows what the heck he's doing holler at me
He's not tapping. I saw him play live right from the front row and he tremelo picks (just really fast picking nt really sync'd to the left hand) note running from the 12th fret high E. The first few are going 12,13,16,13,12 and the then he changes it up to only going up to the 15th fret and back down. He walks it up the neck a few steps doing a radical bend up high somewhere before going back into the chunking but he turned away and I couldn't see exactly where he walked it up to. I hope that helps.
Oh HELL YEAH!!!!!!! Used to play that with my band at shows. I never got in to my solos as much as I got into that one. If you have true metal heads in the crowd. They would be jumping up and down uncontrollably with excitement. I get chills every time I see that dvd with this song live.
Not into Pantera, WOW thats like Jenna Jamison not into sex. Metal Heads not into Pantera, a conspiracy is at hand I say... LOL
hahaha :lol:

yeah, but still...i managed to convince them to play i'm broken as a tribute to a guy that died 2 years ago...the next gig we do is a tribute concert for that guy so after our regular song line up we're tossin' that one into the crowd :wink:
Dude thats really cool, see metal heads are so misunderstood.

The guitarist from a band i was in years ago was a foster parent to handicapped kids and one of the kids died at the age of 14 (Timmy Long)from kiddney disease and the kid loved metal man just loved it. So one year on Halloween we did a fund raiser for disabled kids and the money went to a school here for charity The title of the show was called the TIMMY LONG METAL FEST.

So I applaud you in your memorial song. BRAVO
We were playing that song for a few shows! :D

As said, it's not tapping, it's this pattern picked pretty quickly:

E 17-13-12-13[x8]-16-13-12-13[x8]

Just repeat that!

Enjoy using your pinky if you don't normally :)

EDIT: Oh and after that, as also said, you pretty much just keep heading up the neck, finishing with a bend.

...aka improvising time :lol: