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  1. R

    How much goes into a mod?

    Know if there is some sort of statute of limitations or anything on it?
  2. R

    How much goes into a mod?

    I'm not disagreeing I'm just trying to understand thats all. Where the patent starts and stops thats all. Technically a guitar plugs into the module in a way but its not a violation yah know. So the patent is on the system starting at the edge of the card connecting into the system itself. is...
  3. R

    How much goes into a mod?

    Exactly the type of responce i was looking for JF. Not long winded at all. Appreciated. eedude- A different pcb layout with compatible connections would be a violation? Long as your not selling it as egnater or randall I wouldnt see a problem. I figure guys on here are taking existing modules...
  4. R

    How much goes into a mod?

    Wow, alot of prompt posts from movers and shakers in the MTS mod world. Thanks. I mentioned this earlier but I was wondering if any of you had considered offering these mods as a kit? What did you consider and why did you or did you not decide to do it. How do you feel it would impact your...
  5. R

    How much goes into a mod?

    I know it's a blanket question but I'm wondering how much is involved in lot of these mods. I've noticed many are kinda pricey and probably involve tube swaps being the bigger investment of the modder. Outside all of that I know its bad form to show guts shots as well. I'm wondering how much of...
  6. R

    Getting rid of my triaxis and stepping into MTS, Modules?

    I have a Triaxis and it just isn't gainy enough no matter what I do. So I'm getting rid of it and am going to get an MTS. I came into the triaxis after having sold a 5150 I loved. I'm obviously getting the SI50, I'm also thinking snorkler. I have two slots I'm not sold on and I'm thinking either...
  7. R

    Module that can cut thru stock 5150

    +1 Experiment
  8. R

    Rm4 M4 guts shots schematics?

    I've used the search and I've found a incomplete Rm4 schematic but I was hoping to find one for the m4 Dual. Maybe some guts shots? Building an 500 series modular thing for some mic pres and was wanting some info on this setup as I've wanted one for....... ever. Thanks -R3