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  1. O

    RM 100 Parallel Loop Idea

    This loop seems useless. Why have a parallel loop if its not channel assignable like on a Dual Rec? Has anyone done this to the head yet? Simple mechanical switches on the head so you can have it activated for say, module one clean and module 3 lead. Throw a delay and chorus pedal on top of the...
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    KH-3 Dialing In

    I just can't get along with this one. Basically running two channels right now cause the black front SL+ is doing everything. Maybe its the better c3 cap? There's just a high end to it right now, gonna check what 12ax7's are in it. Need a good lead channel at least.
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    Looks Like I'm Back

    Well after the resurrection of my Peavey Ultra and my 2nd honeymoon with it, I reluctantly agreed to sell my rm100 to my other guitarist. After that it broke down, got it back from the tech and less than 6 weeks later it went down again. Arcing issue I imagine. Hopefully I'll get a reasonable...
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    Mixed Power Tubes Question

    The guy that fixed my last two amps keeps sniping at me about impedance mismatch when using 6550/6L6 in the RM100 I took to him. I've told him multiple times Bruce designed these amps to do this. He's old school but does have a degree and 30 years in the industry. When I got the RM100 back there...
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    NGD - RM100

    Some might call me crazy. But I traded my EVH 50w and a hundo to get this and a Tourmaster 2x12. Love the Blackface. Cleans are way cleaner than my EVH mini. SL+ is awesome as I expected, I really have been wanting something British-ish. It does my 6 string stuff. The KH3 does all my 7 string...