3x different module - same techno trash clip

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
Today must be some kind of harvest :)
Our friend steeltormentor ( http://bandzone.cz/ascendancy ) just sended to us three techno thrash clips, which are showing naked truth about same riffs, same player a same speaker :)

- Salvado - http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7365726
- Grail - http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7365679
- Ultra - http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7365664
:twisted: .. marked for later listening... can't keep up with all this clips :shock: 8)
Did you say before that you use Drumkit from Hell to get those drums?

How does that work anyway? Midi controller or does it work more like fruityloops?

They all sound quite close...and good.

Will have to listen again but for my ears Grail then Ultra then Sol(what?) :D
james.fugate said:
Did you say before that you use Drumkit from Hell to get those drums?

How does that work anyway? Midi controller or does it work more like fruityloops?


I use Drumkit from Hell for drums on my comp as well. I also have FL Studio. I have to say that I prefer DfH when doing guitar recording and such. It is a midi controlled program. I use it with Cubase SX3, and basically a drum editor opens with named drums/cymbals etc. and you click the points you would like that drum to hit. It works really well with the quantize feature and allows me to have full control over the set.

I agree with JKD - Grail, Ultra, then Sol for this specific piece.
background story:
Steeltormentor wants to try my head and all my modules to decide if he "must" changing his gear or not. And result is, that he?ll keep his Engl clone amp, ?cause for his style fits still best (or dreams about EVH too :) He hates recto sound, and says that cannot play such amps, but for me sounds everything similar, with detailes which is important for player not for sound itself. But ok, why don ?t have perfectly fiting amp/modul, if is possible?
Only next showing like strictly personal are "sound-tastes".

PS: Author?s chart is Ultra >Salvado >>>>>>>>>>>>Grail :)
PPS: but author wants to made comparison, and forgot for magical C3 switch on my head :) So Salvado can be much more tighter but Grail and Ultra can be only tight as is (and cannot be looser). Again and again, depend WHAT you?re playing....
I like all of them really. They all lend there own unique qualities to the MTS table. BRAVO on the clips.
I do like what you've done...but for me, anyway...
the price is what is keeping me from ordering. If I calcullate correctly
I have to send 1 module to you, plus about $200 plus shipping and insurance to Czech thats about $500 US
which is to much for me,right now.
So, I am saying yes..I like your mods...but the economy is bad right now..so it will take to time to get that kind of money.
But your work is good. And so is pete's.