Anthony or Pete -- Elmwood M90?

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Bronco said:
I suppose...this is the classic 'chicken or the egg' argument, but I'm after what sounds best at the end of the day...playing through the same cab for each head automatically injects (the same) tonal qualities into said amp. I want to hear what the amp sounds like through its best available me, this means a cab appropriately matched to it.

For instance, a VHT can sound really good, but (IMO) ONLY through a VHT cab, with the VHT speakers that Steve Fryette puts in them. I find the same true with Budda amps. Mesa Boogies can sound good through other cabs, but sound their "best" (again IMO) when played through Mesa Boogie cabs.

Speakers are so head dependant for sounding good. It's all finding the right combination. The Egnater and Randall stuff, although moduler, still has a different sound, frequency response and feel than say a 69, 71, or 76 Marshall with Friedman's mods. The Egnater and Randall might be better suited for Vintage 30s (as the manufacturers have typically used over the years, I believe).

Don't get me wrong Hyenik; I completely value your opinion...regardless that I kind of disagree, your clips have ample space on my iPod!
No problem, we discussed.
and this is typical chicken -egg problem, and same have no solution. As I write upwards - Ideal soundclip can?t exist.

I heard about this VHT "issue", but now I stop believe it (after lot of clips, explanation from S.Fryette etc) for my ears sounds too buzzy like Eminence always do :), but I have no VHT cab (P50E, or minimum IR cab) in my hands, so for final conclusion I must wait. But maybe Gregg Tribbet use "bad" cabs with V30 for some mystic purpose ;)

and speaker, IMHO (after 5 years of testing) is most important thing for sound from gear. My slogan is - what + who + speaker = 80% of sound. (of course I?m talking about rhythm guitar, for soloing is more than 50% in player hands)
20% for EVERYTHING else. So my decision is not chasing gear parts which can bring me some 3% of sound, but I practise playing, which is 10x more efficient for my sound :)

And again, again, again, and nobody give me answer. Why Steve Vai, sounds everytime like Steve Vai???
(with Bogner, VHT, Carvin, Marshall doesn?t matter what else)
From my point of view, this is the basic key for understanding this problem.
Just a small point after reading this, people want clips made with reamp .. but that negates the responce of the amp from the comparison.

For instance if you recorded the phrase playing through the well known hardass Terrier, and then re-amped it through a Mamba (to stick with Salvations;)) it would sound totally different from actually playing it on the Mamba first and then the Terrier.

The best thing is taking the amps with you and playing 1 song per head with your whole band ... otherwise there will allways be something to whine about. ;)
m0jo said:
Just a small point after reading this, people want clips made with reamp .. but that negates the responce of the amp from the comparison.

For instance if you recorded the phrase playing through the well known hardass Terrier, and then re-amped it through a Mamba (to stick with Salvations;)) it would sound totally different from actually playing it on the Mamba first and then the Terrier.

The best thing is taking the amps with you and playing 1 song per head with your whole band ... otherwise there will allways be something to whine about. ;)
Yes, that?s right, but then is not comparison of sounds, because always you play something else......this situation have no perfect solution, we decide according situation.... we use all methods (reamping, live playing, simulations, micing, whatever) Best comparison is playing through it, listening, feeling, recording(!) samples, rehearsing, touring and trying in mixing. Then you can know best, if this gear is for your pupose right choice.......

PS: I often play through very well known hardass Line6 :) and then sended to reamping. For your interest this was way for QOTSA, FooFighters clips, for Megadeth pedro used amplitube and so on.... These clips sound worse now? ;)
hyenik said:
m0jo said:
Just a small point after reading this, people want clips made with reamp .. but that negates the responce of the amp from the comparison.

For instance if you recorded the phrase playing through the well known hardass Terrier, and then re-amped it through a Mamba (to stick with Salvations;)) it would sound totally different from actually playing it on the Mamba first and then the Terrier.

The best thing is taking the amps with you and playing 1 song per head with your whole band ... otherwise there will allways be something to whine about. ;)
Yes, that?s right, but then is not comparison of sounds, because always you play something else......this situation have no perfect solution, we decide according situation.... we use all methods (reamping, live playing, simulations, micing, whatever) Best comparison is playing through it, listening, feeling, recording(!) samples, rehearsing, touring and trying in mixing. Then you can know best, if this gear is for your pupose right choice.......

PS: I often play through very well known hardass Line6 :) and then sended to reamping. For your interest this was way for QOTSA, FooFighters clips, for Megadeth pedro used amplitube and so on.... These clips sound worse now? ;)

Yeah, ah well. I think the best solution without actually buying the amp is a set of clips and a good review.
Recording your own samples is actually a good point actually. :)

But I mean when you play through the Terrier (just an example!) and then re-amp the clip with a Mamba or Deadplate, it's going to be very different.. maybe not doing justice to the true sound and response of the amp/module. It's an extreme example, but you get the idea.. different amps/modules play differently, and I'd like to know that as well. ;)
For instance I like the VHT sound, but I know I couldn't handle fighting my amp to sound good.. so I won't go for that. (good module to practice with at home though :p)

And don't get me started on the awesomeness of your samples ;) Seriously; thanks for taking the time and going through all the trouble. :D It's opened a world for me that just rocks!

When I have some modded modules I'll go and do a shootout with them and the stocks, to give something back. :)
m0jo said:
For instance I like the VHT sound, but I know I couldn't handle fighting my amp to sound good.. so I won't go for that. (good module to practice with at home though :p)
This was old version of Terrier, we changed wiring and now new Terrier has normal playability.

And yes, your idea is theoretically right. But in reality are these differencies very subtle, mostly in guitarist feeling, with not so strong influence to final sound (talking about reamping). I always prefer results than my personal tastes. And more, ear can be very easy confused. This is why we always do comparison samples. But anyway, ideal clip for everybody can?t exist. We only try to show posibilities and tastes of modules. From our point of view ;)
hyenik said:
m0jo said:
For instance I like the VHT sound, but I know I couldn't handle fighting my amp to sound good.. so I won't go for that. (good module to practice with at home though :p)
This was old version of Terrier, we changed wiring and now new Terrier has normal playability.

And yes, your idea is theoretically right. But in reality are these differencies very subtle, mostly in guitarist feeling, with not so strong influence to final sound (talking about reamping). I always prefer results than my personal tastes. And more, ear can be very easy confused. This is why we always do comparison samples. But anyway, ideal clip for everybody can?t exist. We only try to show posibilities and tastes of modules. From our point of view ;)

Seriously? I must have misunderstood, so the Terrier is very much still in the picture then :D I love the crunch character from that. :)

And yeah you're right, it's all very subtle. But I was just giving my 2 cents on the idea of reamping every amp. I used the Terrier because it was a good example of hard playability compared to some smoother sounds.

Reamping does give a much clearer vision of the differences between sounds, including ones you might normally not hear when playing them individually.

BTW. How is the Hellraiser coming along? :)
I just finished guitars for new soundclip of Terrier, now waiting for drums and bass.

HELLRAISER is coming to a cinema near you. Soooooon ;)
This Xmass? 8)
tehuk said:
Cool! How are the clips for the Angel coming along?
PS. Whats the KRAKEN?

yeah angel clips are late, but it is more reasons (time and HW complications). I counted with my friend which can play some Rage (Victor Smolski) tunes, but he has no time now, and I?m just start to train some interesting tunes for ANGEL. And this of course takes some time, ?cause ENGL is one of our favourite sounds, and we want to make it superb :)

What is Kraken? It is easy, or isn?t? ;)
hyenik said:
tehuk said:
Cool! How are the clips for the Angel coming along?
PS. Whats the KRAKEN?

yeah angel clips are late, but it is more reasons (time and HW complications). I counted with my friend which can play some Rage (Victor Smolski) tunes, but he has no time now, and I?m just start to train some interesting tunes for ANGEL. And this of course takes some time, ?cause ENGL is one of our favourite sounds, and we want to make it superb :)

What is Kraken? It is easy, or isn?t? ;)
Krankenstein! :D
Kraken...Man I was hoping is was going to be based from the Rev series 2, or the Rev +.

I think the Krankenstein is their worst amp.

Any plans of that?


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