Any Modules that SUCK?

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
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Chicago, IL
It seems that most of the modules are liked for one thing or another by someone.

Any there any modules that you guys would say are just plane bad?

Bad at anything, whether you're talking about how well it replicates what its modeled after, or if it just isn't good for a certain style. Or modules that just don't go well with one another.

What do you think?
What's funny is it seems like whenever someone doesn't like a module, there is always a mod to fix it. For example, the recto module I have seemed really muddy before I modded. Also, I don't really like how my clean module breaks up too fast but all I have to do is pop in a new resistor to fix it. Thats whats cool about the MTS stuff, its easy to perfect the tone you're looking for. That might be why there are few people that actually hate any single module.
havent found a bad one,yet...
maybe one that doesnt suite your tastes...but then you'll find guys who need that sort of tone, and they will really love that module.
And Im not making stuff up..I mean this.
Therefore, some guys dont "get" a really module (like "clean") and thats because they use emgs and are into Black-Death-Goth metal tones...well, what would ya expect? ..they dont need that tone.
But then a Coubtry picker with a Tele uses that same module and finds excellent at sounding like a really clean fender Twin reverb amp. (All rights reserved ,those names owned by fender etc etc etc)
But they are all professional quality,imho.
SYNY5TER said:
Treadplate stock eww

i agree on the "stock" Recto/Rectified/Treadplate! ...thank god for Pete Turley's "mod" work!!! :D

actually...thinking about this "thread" subject some more,i'd actually have to include ALL the original "silver-face" mts modules,which had a .0047uF C3 capacitor as the "stock" value...i thought the modules sounded "dull & woofy",with no clarity!!!

once again,a big MTS "thumbs-up" for the "ability to tweak & customize" these mts modules...and to Pete Turley!!! :wink:

***also,would like to mention a "special" THANKS to the Customer Support "guys" @ Randall Amps for the continued help,above & beyond the call of duty,that they've always given me......
How would I know if I have the .0047uF C3 capacitor in my modules?

I have been trying to dial in my RM100 and I just can't get any good higher frequencies out of it.

Pete will be sending a few modules back to me soon so I'll get a chance to see if the problem is the modules or the amp itself.
well,unless your module/s,in question,are the older "silverface" ones that came with the original "white" mts box,your module/s would most likely NOT have a .0047uF c3 cap in them(although i actually have seen two separate occasions where a newer second-generation "blackstripe" mts module,with newer "black" mts box,had come with the .0047uF c3 cap still in it,from the factory.i guess a few must have "slipped" through Randall's hands as they were changing things'll have to "read off" what numbers and/or letters are "stamped" on the side of the c3 capactor,on your module,and "post" that on here(or PM me)...we can tell you what's in it...
So, basically, if my modules do have the silver face plate and came in the white mts boxes then they have certain parts that make them sound insufficient as compared to the newer versions?
Rellik said:
So, basically, if my modules do have the silver face plate and came in the white mts boxes then they have certain parts that make them sound insufficient as compared to the newer versions?

It's all relative...Randall shipped with what they thought was best after development and testing I guess.....a lot of customers said stuff was too bass heavy or loose or the c3 'fix' was published...Randall later took that customer feedback into consideration and new modules appeared with lower values in that key position.
Here's what is on my C3 of my SL+ module.


If I change this I may get more pick attack? What would be good to change it to? Also, I would like to know how hard it is to mod a module. I'm thinking about doing the JCM 800 tonestack mod, but I have never soldered in my life and don't really want to break a ~$150 dollar module. Any advice?
Rellik said:
Here's what is on my C3 of my SL+ module.


If I change this I may get more pick attack? What would be good to change it to? Also, I would like to know how hard it is to mod a module. I'm thinking about doing the JCM 800 tonestack mod, but I have never soldered in my life and don't really want to break a ~$150 dollar module. Any advice?

That's a 0.0047uf probably want 0.0022 or below.

The tonestack mod is changing a couple (3?) components...

I recommend finding an old board and practicing soldering and desoldering first.