Anyone a bit fed up with Dean rinsing Dimebags name

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
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Not content with rinsing his name on just about any spikey guitar they could possibly conceive but now an amp!? And not even a good amp! (Google Dime amp, NAMM to hear it)

Just ridiculous! :evil:
...Dean would do some honorable thing?
I just never expected anything more from Dean than make a buck mentality. Even Dean Zelinsky..THE Dean founder has never been much more than a motivated guy to make alot ofmoney.
...If ya like great guitars without the fanfare try a Tom Anderson...not pointy, but really great guitars.
GtrGeorge! said:
...Dean would do some honorable thing?
I just never expected anything more from Dean than make a buck mentality. Even Dean Zelinsky..THE Dean founder has never been much more than a motivated guy to make alot ofmoney.
...If ya like great guitars without the fanfare try a Tom Anderson...not pointy, but really great guitars.
+1 for the Tom Anderson.I played 5 or 6 Andersons at NAMM and they just Killed.Toms shop is 20 minutes away from my house and I think I'm going to take the plunge :lol:
yeah..every time I pivkup my Anderson it reminds how great it is. granted, it is very hard for me to justify having such a "fancy" guitar. My motto has always been "If I can't make a $500 guitar sing, I cant play guitar".
But this was a gift..and I have to say the Andersons are outstanding for the most part. Although I did play one at a guitar show..and it was "off"...who knows what happened to that axe before that guy owned it.. but almost every Anderson I play is great.
And back on topic: I guess some companies just wanna go on and on with marketing (like using Dimebags name again and again)...but I find that short sighted. Im not even sure if that works to make money ...
I just think it devalues everyone involved.
When fender introduced its instruments they had no "endoresees".
They had guys who played em at gigs and made suggestions. Nff said.
Can we please just let the music do the talking???????
Someitmes I think we need to tiers of music stores in this country. Stores for kids who just want to indulge their fantasies..and stores for people who make a living playing music. We need stuff at the lowest cost that works in every kind of situation..and allows Us to express ourselves on our instruments.
It's sad that someones likeness get's bought and sold after they die. Would Dime endorse the products they sticker with his name? Doubt it. Then again if the royalties go to his family then I suppose there is no real harm.
consider this line from the movie "Excalibur"
"When a man lies...a part of the World dies".

I think Darrell should be given more respect, is what I am saying. His family can go get real jobs like the rest of Us. he did the playing..not them.
GtrGeorge! said:
consider this line from the movie "Excalibur"
"When a man lies...a part of the World dies".

I think Darrell should be given more respect, is what I am saying. His family can go get real jobs like the rest of Us. he did the playing..not them.
Nah, I like what Jakemuay said about no harm in his family getting the royalties. Dime was Rock N Roll royalty in my book. That makes his family a "royal family" and they deserve all the benifits that are coming to them. He has earned it. I dont believe he would endorse some of the crap they are putting his name on if he were still here. But if thats what his fam needs... He does deserve more respect. Disrespecting a mans family is the same as disrespecting the man himself.
I am in the middle in this argument. Dime seemed like the guy that would let his name be put on anything he liked. But I do think dean are taking it too far with the Blacktooth its bad i cant hear dimes tone in it so i doubt he would let his name on it and also its only going to be bought by 13 year old dime nuts that think immediately that it has his name on it its good.
You guys will get hosed everytime with the attitude that one man's work reflects his entire family.
Thats simply not the case. And if you believe that..go live in a monarchy ..where people believe that certain people should be kings, merely because they were born into that family.
There is an expression in all should learn...
"I don't care what your Daddy did"
those people have been around for ages, learn from their mistakes.
So if a man works his hole life, and retires, and starts collecting his pension and SS - Then dies - does his wife and family stop collecting those checks and go out and get jobs? Yes this is the same thing. Dime didnt work at a factory. No benifits. Only his name. Selling his name for endorsements is part of his business and his families business too. So if a man ownes a business and then dies, does his family say "oh well, he's dead. Lets close the doors and go get new jobs"? Same thing. :)