Anyone else with an oldschool Randall?

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Sep 18, 2006
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Sydney, Australia
Hey guys, new here.

I have an 81 Randall RG100ES. Was just wondering if anyone else has one or something similar.

Pretty cool forum you have here. Thanks for having me.

Troy \m/

My older RG150. I love this head just as much as the RM100 :twisted:
I've tried a few of the older amps (RG100, 80, Century 200) and I love this one by far in comparison. It's got a HUGE tone and gain for days, even with the 2x12 I'm using. The voicing is a little different too than those other amps, which is something else I like. Even though it's SS, I get a really thick tone, shaped even more with the onboard EQ. I've used the other amps with outboard effects and EQ's, but it didn't have the same kick. The only other SS amp I liked with this chainsaw gain was the cheaper B52 amps, but it still didn't have the thick tone this had. It does have a lot to do with the cab I was running it through (The B52 was going through a Marshall 4x12) and although the basic tone was there, the Randall cab gave me a bigger and more asskickin tone, so to speak. The MTS head is great, but I also love that raw chainsaw tone, so I love it just as much as the tube head
Sweet, Ill have to keep my eyes peeled for one of those. Id guess they are pretty uncommon on ebay and such.

Im way happy with my RG100 its loud as hell and has awesome tone. Randall rules.
Oh yah, I've been searching for another one to leave at the practice space, but I have never seen another one. I've seen more Century 200's pop up than this :? I wonder how many they made...but either way if you can find it, cool, if not, it's the same as the RG100's, just with an onboard EQ, and if you have an EQ of some sort in your rig, it's basically the same sorta tone
Oh sweet. Well Im runnin a PQ-4 in the loop of the RG and its sounded awesome. Even without the EQ it sounds wicked. Century 200 is way up there on my hit list.
Troy\m/ said:
Hey guys, new here.

I have an 81 Randall RG100ES. Was just wondering if anyone else has one or something similar.

Pretty cool forum you have here. Thanks for having me.

Troy \m/

Yep. I own a Randall RG100ES. I bought it brand new in 1985.

I am planning on getting an MTS amplifier soon, either the RM100 or the RM50HB...
Yep, i?ve got a rg100 head with a 4x12 cabinet, i like it a lot, it is white and sound really big, I use an external effects unit, a peavey addverb III, with some eq or delay/reverb sometimes and dist+exciter, it?s a very good amp.
I love this thing. 4 x 12s thru zak wah, digi whammy4,boss tu-2 and to kept it all quitet boss ns-1 would love to get my hand on a users manual and a footswitch but other than that, i love this thing.
anyone know the difference between Rg100 classic and Rg100 or is there any?


This is some new info i have about this amp. apparently its old. so old that a different company owned and made Randalls when this was produced. Does this give anyone a jog in memory?
Troy\m/ said:
Hey guys, new here.

I have an 81 Randall RG100ES. Was just wondering if anyone else has one or something similar.

Pretty cool forum you have here. Thanks for having me.

Troy \m/

Here I am...from Italy! I've got a RG100ES!

I think this head kick asses but I have to solve some problem about my sound (Dime stile in a certain way) and to find the best way to boost me upo for solo playing...I hope my english will be not so bad...

Cheers to everyone.
I got a Randall RG100T Tube head w/6L6's and 4x12 cab with G12K-85's in it. Scored it for $500. This thing just smokes. Too bad Randall doesn't make this one anymore
I have owned several old school Randall. Anything in the 80s was made in the Irvine, CA shop. I currently have 2 RG100HTs, a Century 200 and a RG200ES(same as Century 200) along with all the Dime EQ's, ect. The way i have it set up is completely brutal. Im confident by 99.99% that it is the way Dime had it wired up. It is just as brutal as the X2, which I also have.
Its a shame that Randall wont reproduce these so everyone can see what the hype is about.
I may be old school (I am 45) but I heard Phil Collen of Def Lep say the RG100 was a great amp..."it never fails..and the sound always does the trick" or something to that effect...
Well I found one cheap...and It really is a great sound. I own an RM4...but I still think there is a role for the RG100 sound . I have a blue colored one.
I wish they made module that got that is awesome. Not just for Dimebag...for lots of things. Lets all wake to that's friggin 2007!
I have a RG100ES with the 4x12 with Jaguar Speakers, Bought it brand new back in 1988

I am very happy with it. Here is a photo


Love the tone out of this thing, I have looked at a many number of amps. So I thought I would see what Randall was up to nowadays, also seeing if there is a serial number list of when this amp was built etc.. no avail
savage: take the back cover off the box and look on the side of the chassis next to the transformer. The date of manufacture will be on there. By looking at yours, it is at least an 87 or higher. They went to just seven screws on the front in 87 instead of 11 on '86 and earlier.
I pulled off the rear and the tag is just where you described it. It was made June 27 / 1987 and the Sig on the amp is KN and the inspection of October 06 / 1987


I bought this amp Brand new back in January of 1988 up in Canada in Edmonton Alberta. This is a great amp, and the tone is killer. I would like to say thank you for the hard work that was put in to design this amplifier. for the past 20 Years this amp has never failed once. This amp has been driven extremely hard over the past 20 years, and the Jaguar Speakers have not failed. I just wish I spent the extra money and purchased the bottom cabinet for this. If there is a person on the Randall Forums that Purchased the Red Randall Cabinet from Mainly Music on Whyte Avenue back in 1988, if in good condition. I would like to complete the set. This amp is a sustaining monster. The amps I tried before Purchasing a Randall was the Marshall JCM 800, Mesa Boogie series, VOX, Fender. I tried this amp once and fell in love with the tone and sound.

Thanks Randall for such a great product.

This is my 20 Year Anniversary Thank you to Randall
Just acquired this little baby and would dearly love some further info, and if available anywhere, a schematic. Not much info on the outside and inside label has only a little more: Model: Bluesman; Run: 120; Bench Test: T? 3-10-92.

This one is a 4x10 combo, 5 x preamp tubes and 2 x 6L6GC power tubes.

Also, is there a history of the Randall Amplifier Company posted anywhere, or does anyone out there know who owned Randall in 1992 when this amp was made?

All and any info greatly appreciated.
Randall amps has a long back history. First off Don "Randall" and Leo Fender were one partnered up in thier amp making. Don wanted to go to a more radical type amp and the two guys split. Leo, forming Fender amps, and Don forming Randall amps. Randalls were made in Irvine, CA up until
US Music/Washburn bought the company in the early 90's. The amps that were made in Irvine like the RG100ES, ect. models are what set the milestone for the Randall SS crunch. As far as I know, all Randalls made now are based off what those guys did. However, US Music does not have any association with the older amps, so dont expect to see any replacement parts or repair done for them. They do still have all the schematics though. Personally, I think they need to remake a few of the older models just as they were made back in the day in Irvine. I have heard that they are doing a remake of the RG100ES. not sure of the truth of that though.
:D Yep. Big thanks slaytanic. I'll check out US Music and see if they can help with a schematic. Meanwhile amp is at the amp doctor's getting the once over and a new set of Sovtek's. I got an excellent deal on this amp so I don't mind spending a few dollars to get it as it should be. Once I get it back I'll let you know how it goes.

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