Anyone gone from RM100 to RM4-RT/50?

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2008
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Newtown, PA
I dang near thru my back out hoisting RM100 (70lbs) from my car. Considering RM4 (30lbs) and RT/50 (40lbs) in separate SKB cases to manage the load. Added benefits of 4th module and stereo would be nice too.
Any thoughts on this? Pros/cons?
1: Still the weight of the racks
2: More crap to lug around
3: No more blending 2 tube types like you do in your RM100
4: Added setup time and more cables
5: Stereo rigs are RARELY ever miked up on both sides, particularly for original bands like ours where you don't play the full night. That's more of a liability than a bonus.

Shall I keep going? :wink:
don't have a head, but have before. I have my pre and power racked in the same rack. one word. WHEEELS!!!!!

makes transporting so much easier. Mine is just a 6 space unit, but with a handle and wheels, its much easier to cart around. Lifting into my car is the only hard part, but its doable.

Love having stereo, we mic both speakers where I play, but even if its only one, at least you will be hearing your efx and all in their stereo glory, plus you still have the ability to blend different tubes L/R

One more module, and also choice of power amp. For a more portable rig, you could pick up a smaller lower watt power amp instead of a beast.
I use RM20 ( only like 20lbs) for pratice/jams and the RM100 for gigs...but you can get away using it at smaller gigs.

I know it's only has one channel head but it has a boost/gain foot switch
that works great...I'd just switch modules out inbetween songs.
I went from a rm100 to the rack and now im back to the rm100, sounds best to me, weights not an issue with me since i road case everything anyway
I compared an Rm100 to a Rm4 and a 2x12 bottom at Auburn Music in Longview Texas, 4 years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday..
Both sounded Good: The Rm4 sounded better though.
In addition, I got to use another module..pretty cool,imho.
Plus: I like digital effects...Im gonna lug those Im gonna be pulling a rack around ANYWAY..
And then there were those nasty reliability rumours about the RM100s..
so I went with the RM4.
yeah more stuff to lug..but 4 years later..I am still happy with it. I cant say that often about music gear.
I dont play out every week..and when I do its a variety of sounds I am expected to produce..for my needs, the RM4 is great.
Well ive had my rm100s since 2005 and they have been flawless, i got a rm4 last year and it was flawless, and then i got a rt2/50 that is a pos. it has broke on me several times, ive taken it to a amp repair 3 times and still continues to catch fire and burn the board behind the tubes. So im sticking with the rm100s
Why not go with a 100c and a small rack for a few effects? Still a bit heavy, but no need for the added cabs and such. Unless I missed something here. Why I originally went with a 100c, too many years of dragging gear across town and way too much lifting. You can always grab a few zombies and carry it all around for you if needed :lol: