Anyone here going to NAMM?

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Well, my whole mod collection consists of;
A couple tweaked versions of the Clean/blackface PCB
A couple tweaked versions of the Treadplate/recto PCB
One tweaked version of the XTC PCB
And 5 versions of the Plexi/top boost/tweed/JTM/SL+ PCB.
If these modules are original PCB designs by the respective companies within Bruce's spec rather than a few component changes to an existing Egnater design, color me excited.
My post probably came off a little rough. What I was driving at is -- I'm happy with the tones I'm getting from my modular system. From what I've seen, which is obviously limited, this won't change my level of happiness with my current modular rig.

I don't know and I'm greatly speculating here, but I doubt each company designed their own PCB. I could be VERY WRONG though.

I would also be disappointed if I were a single channel MTS user as these new modules don't appear to have access to both channels. I could be VERY WRONG about that as well...

I'm still interested in seeing the new Synergy amp system.
The Synergy project has been in development for a while now. The companies that have committed to design modules so are Friedman, Soldano, Morgan, 65 Amps, Fryette.

Stevie Fryette designed a great single rack space 6l6 power amp for Syenergy that we are finishing some final tweaks on. More companies will be coming on board soon like Carol Ann and a few other boutique guys we all know and love.

the first product besides the power amp that is really cool is the E2. Simply, you get two modules to use in a single rack space. The E2 for example can go into a Friedman fx loop. I then can switch via midi between all the channels on the Friedman and then the two modules which each have two channels. So, you can use the Friedman head and a Soldano and Morgan modules all together. Its very cool

There are lots of other products already being designed and once we have finalized the line up of companies on board, we will release at the very least the power amp, the E2.

fun stuff

Tone Merchants/Rack Systems, Friedman Amplification
"The Synergy project has been in development for a while now. The companies that have committed to design modules so are Friedman, Soldano, Morgan, 65 Amps, Fryette.

Stevie Fryette designed a great single rack space 6l6 power amp for Syenergy that we are finishing some final tweaks on. More companies will be coming on board soon like Carol Ann and a few other boutique guys we all know and love.

the first product besides the power amp that is really cool is the E2. Simply, you get two modules to use in a single rack space. The E2 for example can go into a Friedman fx loop. I then can switch via midi between all the channels on the Friedman and then the two modules which each have two channels. So, you can use the Friedman head and a Soldano and Morgan modules all together. Its very cool

There are lots of other products already being designed and once we have finalized the line up of companies on board, we will release at the very least the power amp, the E2.

fun stuff:) "
Rob from Tone Merchants
This might have more legs than I gave credit.
Found this one on HRI:

Dual EQ

Word is the E1 & E2 will be manufactured by Fryette along with the 1u power amp.
Just to be clear what you are looking at in the above picture, the JCM and SLO modules are in the new E2 (don't know what they'll call it now) and below that is the 1 U 6L6 power amp designed for the Synergy series that has a very similar cut to the new Fryette LXII 1RU All Tube 6L6 powered Stereo Power Amplifier that has been talked about for the last year.

This is rad stuff. Remember, still prototype!
First off, anyone else having issues with this site? Seems to be offline to me for a few days and then works again..

As for Friedman, i suspect that in most cases, his give a $hit factor is probably at 1.5 on 10. He designs great gear and has an ear for it and he now has a brand that commands top dollar. He has never really appeared to be that much of a people person or an enthusiastic salesmen. He just lets his products do the talking.

Having each company design their own rig is the smart way to go. I'm down for a BE and a SLO if they put these out. I've been recording with my brahma more these days wide open and with my 2204 on the other side they sound awesome.
I have one question:
Why would other amp companies want to be involved in designing a module that would help Egnater sell his amps instead of theirs?
audiomidijace said:
I have one question:
Why would other amp companies want to be involved in designing a module that would help Egnater sell his amps instead of theirs?

I can answer this.

As an analogy, Apple - what do you think they make the most money off of? The devices (iPhones, iPads, etc), or the small portion of the sale of each and every app purchased in the app store - and every song purchased in iTunes, etc? By far, their cashflow is generated from the sales of apps and music, ibooks, etc, etc.

If Bruce has set this up right, and it sounds like he has, then his business will be very similar here. Sounds like he's licensed out the patent for modules and power amps/heads. So, the above analogy would prolly be better represented by Google and it's Android platform, as it is open-source and they've just provided the OS.

In this case, each manufacturer will likely just pay a small royalty to Egnater for use of his patent/intellectual property - on each module, amp, etc that's produced and sold using the Synergy/MTS technology. Will he even produce amps for this? Probably, but not necessarily. And, he'll make $ no matter what. But, then so will Soldano, Freidman, etc - much more per unit than Egnater will receive in royalties. It's a brilliant way to do things (and very common in all industries), and really how it should have been done in the first place.

Additionally, and they all know this by now - how many MTS amps do you have or have had? And, how many modules have you purchased over the years? Likely 10x more modules. The mods is where the $ is, not the amps. Just like apps in the app store.

Sounds like Egnater has 'open-sourced' this technology, which is great for him, the other mfg's and all of us. Let's hope it gets released and is successful!
Oh, and not only will Freidman, et al make good $ on the modules selling them to folks who could never afford one of their 'real' amps, but it's excellent marketing. How many people have come to MTS, tried a boat load of mods, fell in love with certain tone(s), and went off and bought the amp that was being modelled, leaving MTS? Tons. They know this too...
I guess the only thing I can hope for now is either:

A) the M4 preamp to be reissued in some fashion, or
B) a three (or more) module head
Corium_AZ said:
audiomidijace said:
I have one question:
Why would other amp companies want to be involved in designing a module that would help Egnater sell his amps instead of theirs?

I can answer this.

As an analogy, Apple - what do you think they make the most money off of? The devices (iPhones, iPads, etc), or the small portion of the sale of each and every app purchased in the app store - and every song purchased in iTunes, etc? By far, their cashflow is generated from the sales of apps and music, ibooks, etc, etc.

If Bruce has set this up right, and it sounds like he has, then his business will be very similar here. Sounds like he's licensed out the patent for modules and power amps/heads. So, the above analogy would prolly be better represented by Google and it's Android platform, as it is open-source and they've just provided the OS.

In this case, each manufacturer will likely just pay a small royalty to Egnater for use of his patent/intellectual property - on each module, amp, etc that's produced and sold using the Synergy/MTS technology. Will he even produce amps for this? Probably, but not necessarily. And, he'll make $ no matter what. But, then so will Soldano, Freidman, etc - much more per unit than Egnater will receive in royalties. It's a brilliant way to do things (and very common in all industries), and really how it should have been done in the first place.

Additionally, and they all know this by now - how many MTS amps do you have or have had? And, how many modules have you purchased over the years? Likely 10x more modules. The mods is where the $ is, not the amps. Just like apps in the app store.

Sounds like Egnater has 'open-sourced' this technology, which is great for him, the other mfg's and all of us. Let's hope it gets released and is successful!

First, let me say that I love the modular system as much as anyone. I would love nothing more than to see it succeed. I'm also not trying to be argumentative or negative, but I've also been in the M.I. industry for 25 years. I've managed and owned guitar stores and I've worked for multiple manufacturers. This new system will not be any more successful than the older systems.

Your analogy of Apple and Google doesn't work at all. The Apps are ONLY created as a product "because" the devices exist. There is no other way to use the App. Without the device, the app makers don't have a product. Other amp manufacturers don't NEED this Egnater device to sell products. They are already doing very well selling their own products.

Are you actually expecting that Marshall, Fender and others would invest in manufacturing and marketing their own modular amps just because Egnater would "allow" them to for a small fee? NEVER going to happen. The ONLY way that works at all (and it won't) is if Egnater made an OEM product for Marshall, Fender, etc. All of them "made" by Egnater but with a Fender, Marshall logo on them. This wouldn't happen because they would want to have quality control, etc over their products. But more importantly this now makes all of these amp makers look the same. Fender and Marshall have worked very hard to have their own identities over the years, so why would they do this?

But the biggest problem is that 75% of sales in M.I. goes through the big box stores like GC, Sam Ash, etc.
1. Every store will never have all of the modules in stock.
2. They don't have the space to display them.
3. The employees don't have the time to let a customer keep trying different modules.
4. They can't leave the customer alone with the amp as they could simply steal the module.
5. The margins would likely not be as high as other products.
6. The amps and modules can be easily damaged by hot swapping the modules, etc.

There's a ton of reasons that a store simply wouldn't want deal with this kind of product.

Why wasn't the product line more successful with Egnater and Randall the first time around?

All of that being said, I would love to be the guy in charge of bringing these products to market, having them properly advertised and taking the line as far is it could be taken. I love these products. I believe in them and I know how to sell them. Best of luck new modular products!



Personally, I think the primary reason that the MTS stuff wasn't more successful to begin with was : a) No one had ever heard of Egnater before, and more so b) Randall is synonymous with garbage SS metal amps and that's it - so having the randall name on there was its biggest bane imo. Marketing too was horrible, as I had never heard of MTS and only randomly came across it as a result of researching Egnater when I first was exposed to his other amps (and quite randomly I might add).

And, clearly, these other mfg's don't seem to share your concerns, since if the previous posters are indeed reporting accurately, they are already on board.

Also, the Google/Apple analogy is in fact a very fitting analogy - More so for Google, as they haven't made the platform proprietary as Apple has. Yes, you have to have the device first, and there are a multitude of android (aka Google) devices in production. So, marshall and fender certainly could mfg some MTS amps, with power sections and input stages of their own design, and not sully their brand in any way whatever. Obviously we don't know if any of this will come to fruition, but the postulated scenarios are certainly believable and do able.

And, I could provide solutions to all the in-store concerns - and if I can do it, I'd hope that the gurus at the bigger mfg's can figure that out on their own.

Also not trying to start an argument, as all of this is nothing more than conjecture at this point, so everything is moot, lol.

Let's see what they do.
Those are all some very polished looking prototypes. Especially that 1RU power amp. That bodes well for this actually happening.

I wonder, seeing that this synergy brand is not directly relatable to Egnater, wether it is co-owned by Egnater & the others involved here... If so, that would put to rest a lot of the business concerns/questions.

Sorry, I take a deep interest in the business side of all things... I nerd out on businesses & their structures as much as with music/gear, lol.
A better example of this business model is the 500 series modules and racks originally developed by API. Compressors, EQs and mic preamps all fitting a standard format rack. I don't know if API's patent ran out or if they license it or get a royalty, but it is now wildly popular, with most big studio gear manufacturers having offerings that are junior versions of their main product lines.

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