Anyone play more rootsy music with an MTS amp?

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Feb 6, 2009
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Sounds like most of you are into hard rock and metal. Anyone here play old-style music like surf, rockabilly, etc? I'm looking at an RM20 head with a Blackface module running into a 1x12 cab for this application. Just wondering if there are any players here of the really old music?
I don't own an MTS system yet, but I was wondering the same thing. It almost seems like a stereotype, when you think Randall you think metal.

I don't think the Randall website helps to dispel this stereotype. For example, on their website they have some module samples. I chose the Blackface module + strat + 6L6 tubes. I was expecting to hear the classic Fender Twin Reverb clean tone. But instead, they chose to demo an overdriven tone. Even their "Clean" module sample is overdriven. Luckily you can find some sound samples and videos elsewhere that demonstrate the clean tone of these modules.

If you mostly play roots rock, I wonder why you would even bother with the MTS system. I'd just buy an old used Fender amp Is the RM20/Blackface module route the cheaper way to go?

For a newer amp, I thought the Fender Super-sonic I tried recently sounded pretty good. We have a used one in town for $850. I was tempted to get it myself, but I think I may need more versatility for my band.
IMO the sound clips on randalls website are not an accurate representation of what that amp can sound like...i was completely turned off by those sounds and almost didnt buy the amp based on glad i did some research and came to this forum and listened to sound clips by real everyday musicians like myself..... and i would say yes the mts can and will do every sound from country,surf to metal...
I play in a 80's rock/top 40 cover band and have used a RM50 and a Mod50 at different times. With a Top Boost and a SL/Plexi/SL+ module you can pretty much cover anything.

We play stuff from Twist & Shout to Jessie's Girl to Sweet Child to It's Tricky and those 2 modules with cover all of it.

A clean modded Top Boost with a Barber Silver LTD will nail Hard to Handle type tone.
Another old shool guy here.

The MTS lineup can take you anywhere you want to go sound and music wise.

I, for myself, prefer a Deluxe for clean stuff. It compress just the way i like and has that Fender vibe i like so much, Blackface is a good contender also, but a is little more "dry" so to speak.

Both works really well with pedals in front.

My RM100 is most of the time loaded with a Deluxe, a Brahma and XTC ...
Ah, glad to hear there are some of us out there!

I ask because I have a chance at getting an RM20 head with tweed or dlx module for a pretty good price. I need something small and light, this would sit on a nice 1x12 cab I have that's about the size of the Egnater cab they sell for the Rebel 20.

Since I do jam around with other guys and sometimes play pickup gigs, I thought the MTS setup would be nice in that I could get a Plexi or some such module for hard rock stuff when I need it.
Oh my Yes!!!!
I'm playing since 1963. If you want to hear "old school" tone here's the
"big secret." Turn the master volume on the power amp full up! Turn the
level on the module full up. You now have recreated the gain structure
of the old school amps. Now, since all the modules have passive tone
controls, like a Fender, Marshall, etc., start with the tone controls AND
Density and Presence at 12 o'clock. The gain on the module has been
OFF. Turn your guitar volume and tone fully open. You are now were
we all were in the '60s. Slowly raise the gain and play. Adjust tone to
taste. All the old school amps kept distortion low (they WANTED to do
this) by limiting the input gain. Modules that work best for this are
Blackface, Deluxe, and, yes, Top Boost. Add reverb = Surf City.
All the best! Pat L.
P.S. Remember, start with the module gain OFF.
Oh yeah, that's exactly how I'd go about setting it up, just like an old non-MV amp. Put a reverb pedal in the loop and go to town!
This definitely isn't rock or metal. I'm using the mic eliminator signal from my rm100 /xl 412.
Tube Head said:
This definitely isn't rock or metal. I'm using the mic eliminator signal from my rm100 /xl 412.
This sounds GREAT
Which mod are you using here?
Great playing BTW.
Who would think you can get Joe Pass like tone from a Randal amp?
Def show the versatility of the amp since this is not a
"check out my modded Recto it sounds brutal" clip
No offense to brutal recto guys (IM one of them too well kind of)
Tube Head said:
This definitely isn't rock or metal. I'm using the mic eliminator signal from my rm100 /xl 412.
**** you for making me GAS for a reverb pedal again :p Beautiful playing. You wouldn't happen to have a review on that Marshall Reflector on Harmony Central would you? I saw a review from a guy with the same guitar and wondered.
I dont always "get" the high gain guys. I always feel like Im in GC and Im surrounded by 13yr old guys bangin out the latest drop tune-song.
I mean, thats cool...but hey there's more out there..ya know?
So I use passive pickups and I love my Randall set-up. I talk to guys here all the time who probably never played an entire gig clean.
But these amps can do it...and Ive even offered to record a whole arsenal of clips for players who dont fall into the ULTRA-MEGA-SUPER-OKEY-DOKEY Gain school..but Randall hasnt shown any interest. btw: I am still available for that,guys if ya change your mind..
anyways..I love these amps and they need to be understood as soooo much more than just high gain monsters. They are that..but can also do many other things. The future is bright for the MTS line.
GtrGeorge (George Barry)