Anyone tried Eminence Super V speakers(75 AND 150w version)?

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
Bristol, VA
Has anyone compared the two versions of these speakers? I'm thinking about getting them for my Vader cab, and I'd like to know if there are any major differences between the 75 and 150 watt versions besides headroom.
there's 2 different versions??
I assume your talking about the specs from eminence where they rate the speaker at 150 watts, and randall rating the lynch 412 at 300watts?

I asked eminence when the speakers came out. They're anwser was that Randall had a different way of rating speakers, but they stood by their rating of 150 watts per speaker...... (something to that effect.)

Hope this helps...
I looked in the Randall store to look at the replacement speakers though, and they said they were 75 watts =/. Very odd. But Eminence doesn't have them listed, so I guess they're the same, unless there's some other info I don't know yet. Anyway, thanks for that bit of info, but I still have one question:

How did the people who used them like them? I read in a Guitar World review that they have a good amount of bass with a kinda softened high end that kept the highs from getting ice-picky, and a healthy amount of midrange (considering the British voicing). Anyone able to back this up?
I found the response I received from Eminence.

Quoted directly from Eminence.

"They are the same. Our rating is a thermal limit that we establish on the speaker in free air. Their rating is what they established on their cabinet. I can't really explain the reason for the differences, but maybe they didn't want/need to market a 600 watt 4x12 guitar cabinet. The speaker will potentially handle 150 watts from a thermal perspective.

SuicideCircus said:
I found the response I received from Eminence.

Quoted directly from Eminence.

"They are the same. Our rating is a thermal limit that we establish on the speaker in free air. Their rating is what they established on their cabinet. I can't really explain the reason for the differences, but maybe they didn't want/need to market a 600 watt 4x12 guitar cabinet. The speaker will potentially handle 150 watts from a thermal perspective.

Ooooh, okay! That makes sense :) It looks like Randall rated the cab at the ideal handling level in terms of wattage, so you'd think "I can only run 300 watts through this" instead of "BRING ME MY 600 WATT STEREO POWER AMP!!!!!", which could easily blow the speakers.