Anyone using Greenbacks with their MTS?

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2007
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I bought my head yesterday playing through a Randall cab.
Got home nad played it through my 2x12 frontloaded Greenback cab.
Wasn't disappointed but I thought it sounded better at the store.
it really depends on the type of music you are playing and the EQ settings. I play modern metal and my Greenback in my RM20 Combo really cannot handle the bass all that great, but thats me.....

There are some really good qualities about the speaker but its all preferences of what sounds good to you.....

There are some "standardized" speakers for different kinds of music but it really comes down to what sounds good to your ears...

personally, I could do without the greenback
Well to chime in, sounding better at the store may not have been all the speakers. I think Greenbacks sound somewhat superior to V30's is most situations. There could also be the acoustics of the store helping, the construction of the cabs (closed back vs open, baffle design, etc.), number of speakers (assuming you weren't playing a 212 in the store), and of course the breakup of the speaker.

The V30 can handle more wattage and that can sometimes equal less cone distortion which equals better tone. If you are using an RM20 or 22 then it wouldn't matter much but an RM50 is pushing the top end of how much two Greenbacks can handle without breakup while the V30's would rock on through with headroom to spare. Does that make any sense? So you may have fallen into that place where you need more wattage at the cab.

Peace, Joshua

you will need 4 greenbacks whether you have an rm50 or 100, otherwise you will get speaker breakup, that may or may not sound good to you! Scumback and Weber make "classic british" sounding speakers rated at high wattages if that is what you are seeking. I personally think the Scumback speaker is great (no I don't work for Jim!). The speaker type should match the sound you are looking for.

For metal, I would recommend the Celestion g12t75, tight bass, makes nice distortion, but a little bright for some applications/amps.

You can pair that with something with more midrange (greenback, V30, g12h30 70th Ann) response and get that "wall of sound" that is so popular.

Good luck!
For my MTS Lynchbox head, I personally like a Lynch Super V speaker mixed with a WGS ET 65...
If you want to go the greenback route, spend the $$ on Scumbacks...They're a much better sounding speaker....
It takes Celestion Speakers about 6 months to fully break in. They will sound better and better with time. After a year they'll stabilize. New speakers typically sound like doggy poo when cranked up. They sound farty.

My advice on the 212 is to deal with it. It will get better and better. Chances you're ever going to be able to dime out your RM50 are slim these days. They're typically miking a cab and sending it through a PA anyway.
Concurr with Julia. I have my RM-4 rigged through a 2 12 Celestion G12-65 speakers through the Send Return of my Ceriatone combo, and the sound is a-okay. Then again sound perception is subjective...

Speakers will sound better after breaking in and the chances you need to dime the amp or have a bigger one are extremely small. Get it miked through a P.A. or when you really really need the loud volume put the amp in a "war room" and mic it there for the P.A.

My combo is 50 Watts... more than enough.
Greenbacks have a particular "color" to their sound - Just like V30's, G12-75's etc. It all depends on what tone you are going after. Also some speakers are more efficient that others. Those greenbacks will sound great with any of the Marshall type modules, but maybe not your thing for a Fender Tweed type sound or if you are into the heavier tones with drop tuning you will have to go after the Mesa Black Shadow or EVM12 to handle that job
I have a 4x12 Marshall loaded with v30s as well as an oversized vertical Mesa 2x12 v30s

I have the Randall 1x12 loaded with a greenback. In doesn't speak to the metal distorted animal in me, but after reading some hynik's posts, I realized that cab sounds much better for laid back stuff...after that, I love it,

Bottom line, it's a great speaker, just have to find the right combination of musical style, guitar, etc
I like the higher power 'Greenbacks' .. the G12K85s or 100s...also the WGS ET-65 ...

I had the ET-65s in an X pattern with the WGS Greenies...sounded pretty good but I currently running 'em with the G12K85s for bit righter low end.....I still call that cab my 'vintage' cab though and my favourite cab is the v30/G12H30 one.
Love the Greenbacks. I have a mid 70's Marshall slant loaded with Blackbacks and it is an amazing sounding cab. These are the same speakers Van Halen has based his new speaker on, but they are basically just a Greenback.

I am tube rolling my Rm100 with a G12T and Scumback H55, works pretty cool, but I am really jonesing for a 75hz speaker. I have played amps with the G12K speaker, and it is surprisingly good in some applications. I guess they can be had on the cheaps?

Anyone have Weber speakers, like a Silver Bell or Alnico? I would like to make my Tweed module get my blues on, and most opinions are I need an Alnico speaker to really do the "tweed" thing. anyone?
I like my Super V but it sounds better mixed with other speakers to me. I have an ET65 and E80 in a TM2X12 and sometimes run a Super V in a Rebel 1X12 to add some crunch.