Band Volume setting

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Sep 3, 2008
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New owner of a Rm100LB...Brahma,Grail and they sound awesome!! at bedroom level.

What volume level on the amp would I need for a Band setting?..
I keep The Master at 2 o'clock and Level on the Module around 9 o'clock! will that be plenty loud?

I use a 2x12

yeah that'll be loud but you should probably use more pre amp, set the module around 11:00 and 12:00 then put the master up for overall loudness
yup...a touch more pre-amp master will make the sound a little bit thicker and less 'high end/harsh'
i run both the pre and the post at around 11 o'clock. it's just enough to get the speakers pushing a little air and sounds majestic.
ok I've tried the master and preamp level at noon,then master at 2 o clock preamp at 9 o clock....I heard no diffrence between the two!?

my delay and volume booster are in the series loop and only works if the Master is around 2 o clock!
I cant tell ya what the deal is with your pedals and how they influence your sound (I use rack stuff, and its hooked up differently)
What should your volume be? By playing in many band I can tell you that your volume will be dictated by what your drummer is putting out. Match his volume, and then works from that backwards. It takes some attention to detail...but pays off. Drums are the only acoustic instrument ina rock band, and I assume that what your doing (or something like it) he Can't turn down...and hitting with less power makes his kit sound very different. So match where he's at and adjust from there.
That's a cool thing I noticed when I got this amp a couple years back was the differences in tone you can get from the level, and master. You get more thickness with the level up. I like the level at 11:00 to 12:00 though and the master depends on how much you want to OWN the room.
I've never played through an amp that was as loud as my Dual Rec, until I got an MTS. I have an RM-50 and it can keep up w/ a band any day of the week......and I'm in a really loud band. Through my Mesa 4x12 i barely have to put the master @ 9 o'clock.
thanks for the input!!

have the preamp setting around noon and master at 10'oclock...sounds thick at band setting
I crank my master almost all the way up and adjust the module level accordingly. This sounds best to my ears.
6stringgrind said:
I crank my master almost all the way up and adjust the module level accordingly. This sounds best to my ears.

Yeah I started doing that too! but I find with the module level set at noon and adjusting the master to volume desire it sounds a bit thicker to me.