Best way to contact Randall? Presence/Density board question

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2010
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Hey everybody, i've noticed since owning my lynchbox that i can't run the presence below 3 without it being mud city and no cut. I know there are others with this problem too. Were there two diff presence/density boards issued during production?? diff value pots or diff value presence cap values?? Looks like Randall has horrible customer service, anyone with any info??

thanks and merry x mas!
both the rm100's i had were like that too and every 5150 and 6505 i had as well but on those amps alot of people run their presence at 11 o clock. mud city in my experiences i think people's gear and preferences r just that different ur amp is probably fine. also the more bass in the tone requires more mid n treble to get even if u were to not use the density the presence wouldn t need to be as high but it would not be wrong either way. if it sounds good it is good
Yeah, does it really matter whether it takes 10:00 or 3:00 on the dial to get you to where you want to go? As long as there's more room on the gas pedal, who cares?
I do find it a bit Dull below 3 PM on my RM22, and if you max out the presence knob Fizz city! Does the Egnater MOD have the same presence response?