Blackface and Tweed equivalent

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2014
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I have a Blackface and a Tweed. I would rather have a single module that what they both do: the great Fender cleans of the Blackface and that drive/crunch of the Tweed. Is there any module that does both?
werdna, I have a TwinFace.

I have never directly compared it to any Fender amps side by side, but it has a "plethora" ;) LoL of Fender tones. The video's and clips that I heard before I bought it, don't come close to doing it justice.

I don't know if it has "exactly/specifically" the tone you're looking for, but it has enough Fender tones in it that I don't feel the need for anything else in my rig when it comes to Fender tones.

It has a DLX/TWIN switch, a Mojo switch, and a Pushed switch. To my ears... (as I said without directly comparing it to an amp) the TWIN/DLX switch (with the Mojo ON) does a good job of emulating the larger 2x12 combo's of the 70's-80's. With the DLX having a lot more low end. The Pushed switch sounds a lot like the BURN channel on my Super Sonic combo.

I "think", with the Mojo OFF it might give you the tones of the older smaller amps. I never turn the Mojo OFF, so I'd have to go back and give it another listen. I love Fender tones. That one Module is enough to satisfy my desire for them.

It's hard to get the tones of those old 50's-60's amps. They were wired a completely different way in the power section. That's where a lot of the tone comes from in those amps. You can build a preamp to emulate it, but you still have your modern power amp to go though... Unless you're actually pushing a power tube, it's pretty hard to get the tone of something pushing a power tube.

Anyways, hope this helps.

Good Luck!

EDIT: So just for you I turned OFF the Mojo switch. It definitely has a smaller sound with the switch OFF. To my ears it sounds a lot bigger than an old Tweed amp tho. Is it even possible to get that old Tweed sound when you're playing through 2 EVM12L's in TL806 Cab's? Probably not LoL...

Maybe Rob's Vybe DLX can pull that off. (I need to hear that module)
werdna said:
I have a Blackface and a Tweed. I would rather have a single module that what they both do: the great Fender cleans of the Blackface and that drive/crunch of the Tweed. Is there any module that does both?

JF Vibe Deluxe.
MarcoR said:
JF Vibe Deluxe.

I keep wondering if I should snag one of those. I've really only ever heard that one setting on it... which is great, but...

Do you have (or have you had) a TwinFace Marco? (I've probably asked you that but I forget what you said)

Maybe I should bring my TwinFace to your house, and check out your Vybe Deluxe ;)

Marco looks around, locks the doors, turns out the lights, and closes the blinds :shock:
Tweed is bassman/JTM circuit, Twinface is blackface circuit. vybe/Deluxe I believe is closer to blackface (deluxe). Preamp circuits are worlds apart. So different that modders won't even modify blackface modules into bassman or vice versa, for the most part.

Having said that the KF vybe/Deluxe is probably the closest thing from what you want.
suphuckers said:
MarcoR said:
JF Vibe Deluxe.

I keep wondering if I should snag one of those. I've really only ever heard that one setting on it... which is great, but...

Do you have (or have you had) a TwinFace Marco? (I've probably asked you that but I forget what you said)

Maybe I should bring my TwinFace to your house ;)

Marco looks around, locks the doors, turns out the lights, and closes the blinds :shock:

I have not tried a TwinFace and was tempted by the dual version that was in the classifieds.

Since I first got into MTS the Egnater Bman perfectly fit my Fender clean and pushed tones. My only complaint about it was having to max the volume to be even with my dirty modules. The custom dual Vibe Deluxe Rob built for me gets the sounds I want but with way more headroom. I really dig Guthrie Govan's clean and pushed tones and the Vibe Deluxe gets it nicely for me.
MarcoR said:
I have not tried a TwinFace and was tempted by the dual version that was in the classifieds.

Yeah I was really tempted by that thing too. If I had something that could play dual modules I would have jumped on it in -3seconds. I'm probably going to regret not getting it.

I really love this Twinface Module. It's not super high searing gain (even in the pushed mode), but if the world came to an end and you only had one module, you could easily get by with this thing.

Anyways, when I think of "Tweed" I think of something like this...

The TwinFace can NOT do this tone. It's definitely more like a Super Reverb or something along those lines. I keep thinking (hoping), if I get a Vybe Deluxe along side this TwinFace, I'd have the best of both.

Back to the OT. These 2 Modules (from what I personally know of the TwinFace, and what I've seen and heard of the Vybe) are probably by far the best 2 Fender Modules out there. I doubt too many people would disagree. (Or would they?) There might not be one module that will do both of those tones well.

I have a Plexi/Tweed that's interesting. It's gain is pretty limited, and I don't really like the F/Tweed mode on it all that much. ...but the Plexi side has a nice bright/clear tone. The Tweed side has a darker/muddier tone. Its conceivable that module could provide you some of what you're looking for werdna

I guess at this point I'm not even 100% sure what you're looking for. mfgobbi made me realize that everyone isn't always thinking the same thing when they use those terms.
I agree - Vybe Deluxe will suit your needs. Best all around module out there IMO. I can get crystal clear glassy Twin type tones, thick deluxe type tones, and even some very good vibtage Marshall tones if pushed with a pedal. It's also got the saggy feel of an old amp - sounds great with any power tube combo. Can't recommend it enough!
VybeDeluxe is designed to have the Vybroverb/Vybrolux and Deluxe voicings, as well as a thicker pushed voice.

It's a great mod.
Nobody recommends the Salvation mod copied off the Mesa Lonestar. Do you think that would substitute for my Randall Blackface and Tweed modules?
Hmm werdna, I've never played that module, but I went and listened to the clips... That does seem like an interesting thought... Unfortunately you're probably gonna have to do like the rest of us... Bite the Bullet and buy it ;) If it doesn't work out... We'll look for your classified ad (Then maybe some of the rest of us will get to try out that module LoL). It does seem like it has some nice tones.

My honest recommendation is... Send both Anthony and Rob a msg and ask for their input. They know their modules (and what they are capable of) better than anyone. Tell them what you're looking for. See what they have to say.
I'm looking for a Fender style clean module too. Let us know what you end up choosing. I'd thought about the JF Texas Special (I know it's going away soon) or the Salvation LoneClean too.
Just as an aside: the RM50 power section is, for all intents and purposes, a Fender Super Reverb from the PI back to the output tubes.
Yes, it does. I'm referring to the actual schematic, long tail pair PI into the output tube wiring.
You can use a 12AT7, a 12AU7, a 5751, a 12AY7 in the PI socket with the corresponding change in drive and emphasis.
Regarding the power section comment earlier, what is the power section on an RT2 modeled after, please?
I wonder what adding Density and Presence pots would do to the tone of a Super Reverb... :idea:

I don't think I've seen public schematics for any of the Randall or Egnater MTS gear. Might need to ask Bruce what he used as a basis of the design for the RT2.
I have the JF Superclean JF Vybe Deluxe and the salvation Loneclean and I find all 3 are different.
I would definitely recommend the LoneClean for what your looking for. The Vybe Deluxe is more Fender to me but not really Fender Tweed. I find the Loneclean is not 100% Fendery and the Tweed setting doesn't quite have the Full Tweed feel but as an all round module it's awesome. The fully cranked Tweed setting has such a joy breakup.