Blew the same fuse AGAIN.

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Well, after replacing a blown fuse (10A slo blo) inside my RM100 a little over a year ago, yesterday I blew the same **** fuse again. The real kicker is, last time I ordered an extra fuse, but it's been so long that I misplaced it. So I ordered a couple more from Mouser. Last time I ran all over the world looking for a replacement fuse, with no luck, so I thought I'd save myself the trouble this time. I just LOVE spending $1.80 on fuses and over $7 on shipping. :evil:
I probably woulda looked through the mods section for future possible mods for my modules and got some extra parts along with the fuses.
Might as well.
The parts are light and cheap and you're spending $7+ on shipping anyway.
Might as well.
That way, you can at least SAY you have the parts to modify it. This can get you forum creds with the MTS gang.
You'll be able to act high & mighty and talk a big game. (be sure to learn some tech terms)
Mention the part values once in a while to continue the facade that you're an electronics buff.
Make sure to tell everyone when you (supposedly) modded your preamp.
Make a long thread about it and praise the tone! Acknowledge the help a fellow MTS member gave you and claim how Randall is God.


Or is this just me?
guitarcomet said:
Make a long thread about it and praise the tone! Acknowledge the help a fellow MTS member gave you and claim how Randall is God.


Or is this just me?

Its pretty clear you dont play metal or you would KNOW that the Pete modded 1086 with the Randall MTS is GOD TONE.
I went thru ALOT of amps to find this tone.
I am not some kid that only had a Line 6 as a 1st amp either. Been in bands since the 80's. Played the Tokyo club scene for a couple years while stationed there in the Military. No longer gigging but still play every weekend with my friends. The modded 1086 is the TONE I been looking for a LONG TIME and yes KUDOS to Pete for doing a killer mod. Lord knows I couldnt do it. :D Check it out before you judge. :wink:
Well, got the fuses today, so I'm back up and running (for now). Man, I forgot what a pain in the a** the tolex can be! Stupid stuff kept rolling up when I was putting the chassis back in. I REALLY hope this is the last time I have to do this (I did buy a spare fuse, just in case). I'm thinking if this happens again, I may just sell the head and look into something else.
be happy it's just a fuse...modern Marshall transformers are a constant problem!

I wonder if the year of production mattters, it seems as though newer versions may not have the same isssues?
Update: Came home tonight and turned on my amp. Guess what? The fuse blew again! I'm so over this.

Maybe I'll look into sending the amp to Bruce Egnater. Someone mentioned a mod he did to their amp that eliminated the fuses or something. Or maybe I'll just go back to the good old Peavey amps of my youth. Those things were indestructable. :p
6stringgrind said:
.... Or maybe I'll just go back to the good old Peavey amps of my youth. Those things were indestructable. :p

Wow! Has it really gotten THAT BAD?
OK, granted, the Peavey Classic is a great copy of a Fender Bassman.
And yes, a 5150 II is a great amp (along with the 6505 and JSX).
But I think the Randall sounds a bit better (even though I just got mine, and it's already developed an problem forcing me to exchange it) and Peavey has lost some of it's reliability over the years (China build's some of their stuff, too!)
You might have a lemon.
You might need to tweak it a bit to ensure proper performance.
I played Peavey for 8 years. One Peavey amp I owned lasted from 1980-1994. It was abused and used like it belonged to a 5 year old child!
But then, you don't give a $2000 amp to a 2 year noob.