Bought a mesa rectifier, in the name of research

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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...a rack mount at that. :) We'll see how it goes, should be interesting. Can't wait to put a modded recto module against it!

Pete pics when you get it, they sound great but always felt the grail got close enough...never sounded as big (or something) though.

I miss my Recto tho...just 'coz it was my first real tube amp.
JKD said: pics when you get it, they sound great but always felt the grail got close enough...never sounded as big (or something) though.

I miss my Recto tho...just 'coz it was my first real tube amp.

I've had two in the past, liked em but the fx loop was crap. Going to mod it to a serial loop probably same day I get it here. :) I bought an A/B box to compare amps, should be interesting to see if I can get a grail/treadplate/whatever closer than it is now.
i think you'll find that a recto module may not be the best module to try an cop that tone with, the grail module is in the ball park only because of the splattyness of the low end responce and overall tightness and i'm sure you can dial a real mesa in to sound like the grail or recto for that matter but it doesn't have the gain of the real thing and imo randall voiced it way too high in the mids i've never played a recto that had as much mids as the recto or grail from the get like that, at gig volumes the randall versions suck big time and are harsh as hell, they aren't too bad boosted cause of the added gain but again way too middy. i hope you nail this, at times i thought with little adjustments i could make( caps , boosts, tubes, ect) i had it very close but every time i crank it practice it blows. please please nail this tone , i think you'll be a rich man if you do, i've got plenty of confidence in you :wink:
maximus1 said:
i think you'll find that a recto module may not be the best module to try an cop that tone with, the grail module is in the ball park only because of the splattyness of the low end responce and overall tightness and i'm sure you can dial a real mesa in to sound like the grail or recto for that matter but it doesn't have the gain of the real thing and imo randall voiced it way too high in the mids i've never played a recto that had as much mids as the recto or grail from the get like that, at gig volumes the randall versions suck big time and are harsh as hell, they aren't too bad boosted cause of the added gain but again way too middy. i hope you nail this, at times i thought with little adjustments i could make( caps , boosts, tubes, ect) i had it very close but every time i crank it practice it blows. please please nail this tone , i think you'll be a rich man if you do, i've got plenty of confidence in you :wink:

If the Mesa sound you crave why don't you just buy one?
rm100 can pretty much do any tone really well and in some cases maybe better , so i don't see why it couldn't do the mesa the same as it does marshall , i mean how many marshall modules are there and i'd say they all do that tone really well , i prefer my 1086 to any mesa i've ever played but for the price of a module it'd be sweet to have both in the same amp
this post saved me from shooting you an email to have my recto modded.

i wanna see what you come up with.... 8)
I think the mids on the Randall modules like the XTC and the 1086 is actually helpful at gig volume. I got a great tone with a real Rectifier, BUT I always felt it's a little too woody or nasally in the mids. it's a bottom end monster though.
the randall is kinda that way i'd agree but something is missing wouldn't you'd say, it'll be straightened out soon i;m sure based on the bogner pursute
maximus1 said:
the randall is kinda that way i'd agree but something is missing wouldn't you'd say, it'll be straightened out soon i;m sure based on the bogner pursute
You're right, man. Very keen ears, what it's missing is that real immediate response, hard to describe, like that instant growl and attack you get if you're playing a Cornford or a 5150III, it's really in your face as soon as your pick hits, especially for solos. Randall modules still sound little flat in comparison.
One thing to keep in mind is they are modules, not magic... and an amp is the preamp AND the power amp working together. Randall and Egnater had to choose something that was in between on the power amp - if they made it super tight for immediate fast response, then guys would be complaining about how the more vintage modules felt! :)

There's a lot you can tweak in the preamp section, but no module is ever going to be 100%. Just not possible. However, we can get close though! My guess before I even get the amp here is that it's going to be easier to get closer to the 'spongy' setting and tube rectifier tones than solid state recto and 'bold'. I don't recall any of my rectifier amps (two rackmounts, a blackface pre #200, and a single recto) being super tight and fast though. At least, nothing like the VHT's I've owned... now THOSE were tight!

tonymustang302 said:
<----next amp will be a VHT

Done the VHT thing twice, very cool amps, but they are gone and I still have Randall MTS gear. :)

hey , pete it would be interesting just here your opinion on the diff's between the Grail and a that Rectifier right of the hop , you know "the first initial feelings and such" ...