Bought RM50 from best music shop with best service!!

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Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Sarnia, Ontario Canada
Okay I bought an RM50 and I went in to ask about maybe upgrading (again) to the RM100. This is Mid-Town Music in good ole Sarnia, Ontario!
The people there are amazing. I'm actually finding that I'm getting quite attached. It's a small shop with a husband/wife owners and the most amazing amp tech/guitar guru I have ever met.
Anyway, he has taken so much time in explaining things. Now if he wanted to he could have taken me for a ride today and I would have done what he suggested.
I was asking about buying the RM100. He explained some things and basically said "You really don't need that." He then took the time to tell me I should get an overdrive (I think ) or boost pedal for that extra push.
These guys know their stuff and they give me great prices everytime.
It's one of those places where you actually feel like hangin' in all day. They all have great stories and they make you feel like you've known them all their lives.
I ended up buying 3 guitars, the RM50 and two microcubes! Did they sell me on the stuff - no. I went in with the intention of buying all of it. I will never go to another music shop to buy stuff. They have my complete loyalty.
Even if the prices were higher than other places, I'd still buy there now. I like them and I like what they stand for. :shock:
The dude who serivces the amps is straight out amazing. He can take the preamps and do whatever mods you want done to them. He knows what he's talking about and is so free with his knowledge. I walked outta there today knowing that I will be back and get all my gear from them from now on. I don't even mind paying full pop. :shock:
I've bought gear from another shop in town and I get great discounts from them too. I like the guys there but I do notice that service is lacking no matter how much they chat and no matter what the discounts are. Actually, I get better discounts from them than the other place. I can walk outta there with great gear at great prices from great guys but the other place I get great service, great people and great gear. I don't mind paying more if I'm taken care of in the service area. They don't let you walk outta there without setting up the guitars you buy first. The other place could care less. You'd have to ask.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience with you guys. Actually, I'm kinda bummed that I have no reason to go and get anything right now. I just wanna hang out there, they're that nice.
Maybe I need to get a life?! I have no affilitation with this shop at all. I'm just pushing Mid-Town Music purely due to the customer service and the fact that they don't rush you. I was there on the weekend for what must have been a couple hours while Jeff explained the amp to me.
Anybody else have this kind of experience too? :shock:
Not in a long time. Most places I have been to always treat you as though you know nothing about amps or prices. I have been to one store in the last 6 years that didn't try to BS the customer. As for service, I am the guy people go to for repairs and modifications in my area and some of my old friends from the Navy still call and send me stuff to fix from around the country. I have been doing it since I was a teen and have been inside some cool amps to see what parts they used and how they were designed. My RM100 is my current upgrade project. Its not to much different than most tube amps but there is room for parts quality improvement.

As for the RM50. The only reason I didn't get one was because I like having 3 channels. Using a boost pedal with your RM50 will produce some awesome results though. My RM100 handles boost pedals wonderfully.
yeah , the folks at midtown are GREAT 8) .... plus the "tech" at mid town , knows this MTS stuff inside and out , back to front ... ( it also helps that he's the official randall repair tech for whatever region he is in :twisted: )