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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio
I've had several people asking me to do these, so I figured I'd get them done real quick.

Go to my page for sound clips and you'll see I've added the Brahma and Grail Modules.
While the brahma sounds really cool, i think i like a little bit more how gainier and more aggresive the regular plexi module is. Also, the grail clip really surprised me too. I was expecting it to sound much different. Anyways, Thanks for the clips Jim!
I just re-uploaded the Grail and Brahma modules, they were direct recordings before.
Listen again...
I had also recorded with a Shure SM57 when I did those recordings, but didn't mix it in. The clips are now mostly the SM57 with a very small amount of direct recording mixed in.
Thanks Jimosity,
the clips are really helpful. For many people, this is the only way they can hear these things before buying them. I live in Texas..and had to drive a few hours to buy my it really is good of you to post the sounds.
If I could make a request..
could you do a few with passive pickups? (like a PAF humbucker..and standard start style single coils????)
I think that REALLY affects tone..and playability. And most players have those...not EMGs.
But hey I am grateful for the work you've done. Its great.
I am very happy to be on-board with Randall.
I'll have to dig around here and see if I even have any guitars with passive pickups anymore; I know I don't have any strats with single coils!
I've got two big shows over the next two weeks, so finding the time to work on it before them may be impossible. After that; we're taking some time off to record, so I'll be able to have more free time then.

The idea of the clips was to get a vague idea of what they sound like and not a specific, exact idea of what they sound like.
If I start trying to do different kinds of guitars with different pickups, next thing will be different cabs and speakers and then mics for recording and before you know it; I've created a full time job for myself with no pay!
Now; if Randall wanted to send me an MTS cabinet and an RT2/50 power amp, I'd supply their site with all of the clips they could ever need.
Until then, I'm biased towards my Genz Benz cabs and VHT power amps.
Send me a Washburn Maya and I'll be the biggest flagwaving Randall clip-recording fool you've ever seen!
I can be bought!
I can appreciatte how bizy things can be. I wuz just sayin....
I do think Randall should talk to you about some kind of an agreement, you've already helped to move alot of product, I beieve.
And there is nothing wrong about being bought..if you represent a great product.
thanks for simply supply the clips..they are great. I cant get the SL+..but I dont know if thats my computer.
thanks again, keep playing..sounds great.