I'll have to dig around here and see if I even have any guitars with passive pickups anymore; I know I don't have any strats with single coils!
I've got two big shows over the next two weeks, so finding the time to work on it before them may be impossible. After that; we're taking some time off to record, so I'll be able to have more free time then.
The idea of the clips was to get a vague idea of what they sound like and not a specific, exact idea of what they sound like.
If I start trying to do different kinds of guitars with different pickups, next thing will be different cabs and speakers and then mics for recording and before you know it; I've created a full time job for myself with no pay!
Now; if Randall wanted to send me an MTS cabinet and an RT2/50 power amp, I'd supply their site with all of the clips they could ever need.
Until then, I'm biased towards my Genz Benz cabs and VHT power amps.
Send me a Washburn Maya and I'll be the biggest flagwaving Randall clip-recording fool you've ever seen!
I can be bought!