Calling MarcoR - Camerock

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Well... Oh dear... Um, it sounded great! But? See here's the thing... I tend to dial all my modules in to sound fairly similar and most of them are Marshall flavored. So, for it to bump something else out of its slot it would have to do the job considerably better especially for the cost factor.

It had some qualities I really liked in that where I have found other modules to be too polite, this one has a very mean edge to it. The design issue for me was that all the many switch options available were geared to tweaking the brightness and for someone that prefers darker tones it wasn?t a good match.

I didn?t have any trouble finding great sounds out of it; that wasn?t a problem. Unfortunately, I didn?t have the opportunity to give it a true test; in a band situation at loud volume. Perhaps there it would have shined enough to justify the price tag.

So alas, the module is in transit to dcg8 who was a minute late after I first PMed you about it. I?m sure he will give it the love it deserves.

There were other contributing factors to my decision; I had another large purchase, a Matrix GT1000FX and I just sent my dual Quick Mod back to Rob to be customized for my tastes. The Quick Mod and the Camerock basically would have filled the same space so I could only keep one. Ideally, I would have waited till I got the QM back but that's how it goes.

Ultimately, I don?t care how well any module emulates the amp it was modeled after, I just want to find the sounds that feel and work right for me that are my sound. I wanted to try this one for a long time and this was the opportunity and I?m very glad I did.

So there you have it.
I smiled through that entire, well written, post. It's a great module, for sure. I had to part with it for a purchase myself (Suhr Modern) and would be interested in acquiring another (or the same one) in the future. The one thing about the module over the CCV is that the CCV is quite dark. I understand and agree 100% about not caring if the module emulates the amp, but performs to my liking.
I?m glad you?re not disappointed in me! Yes, I don't think this module will ever have trouble finding a home or depreciating in value, that?s for sure. Congrats on the Suhr!
drewiv said:
I smiled through that entire, well written, post. It's a great module, for sure. I had to part with it for a purchase myself (Suhr Modern) and would be interested in acquiring another (or the same one) in the future. The one thing about the module over the CCV is that the CCV is quite dark. I understand and agree 100% about not caring if the module emulates the amp, but performs to my liking.

Pics of Suhr Modern when you get it!!! I loved mine..sadly flipped 'em when money got tight last years or so.

The Camerock module is only really dark with the switches in the middle setting.....can be further darkened with the Master engaged but other switch combinations can be very bright....thankfully the Mid/Trebble adjustment word pretty well....mines on it's way out this weekend because I spent too much at Xmas...ah well.
JKD said:
drewiv said:
I smiled through that entire, well written, post. It's a great module, for sure. I had to part with it for a purchase myself (Suhr Modern) and would be interested in acquiring another (or the same one) in the future. The one thing about the module over the CCV is that the CCV is quite dark. I understand and agree 100% about not caring if the module emulates the amp, but performs to my liking.

Pics of Suhr Modern when you get it!!! I loved mine..sadly flipped 'em when money got tight last years or so.

The Camerock module is only really dark with the switches in the middle setting.....can be further darkened with the Master engaged but other switch combinations can be very bright....thankfully the Mid/Trebble adjustment word pretty well....mines on it's way out this weekend because I spent too much at Xmas...ah well.

I agree, it can be darkened. With the adjustments you mentioned as well as the density control (and presence to a lesser extent).

Well the Suhr is great. This is the pic from Matt's, I'll get some of my own pics soon. I've been too busy playing it. 8) It really rips, not to mention looks cool.
Wife approved! :lol:
That's a great looker there, and a great bit of nostalgia as well :D

About the Camerock and brightness (I'm dumb enough to potentially misinterpret the previous post)- does the gain style/clipping switch also affect the brightness in some way?
Also would you say the Camerock middle gain style position (less clipping more volume) has "enough" gain (I know that is very subjective of course) for heavy blues oriented modern rock/metal?
First, thanks on your comments on my ridiculous guitar purchase. Also, please buy some of my FS gear so I can finish paying for it. :D

Now, I think this thread reads like this is not a good module and is SUPER bright. This, IMO, is not the case. The CCV is a superamp! Three channels of sheer madness. The Camerock is an awesome replication of that. I would say the module is brighter than MY CCV, I stress MY. I have heard other CCVs that are brighter than mine. Keep in mind, no two amps are identical. I have owned two CCVs and kept the one I preferred. Which happened to be the darker, yet more organic, of the two. The Dual Camerock that is floating around is awesome! Easily in the top two Marshall based modules I owned. The ONLY reason I sold it was because of my CCV.

The brightness of the module is affected by every little thing on this module. Again, it's not extra-bright IMO, simply brighter than my CCV. Next, there is PLENTY of gain in this module. That is something nobody can argue. No matter where the clipping is, there is gain to spare.

Finally, dialing this bad boy in is DIFFICULT. EVERYTHING matters: speakers, pickups, tubes, etc. I can dial in a Marshall and this thing took days for me to be happy with the shared EQ, but once I did - it was SOLID GOLD.
It only floated momentarily...It has landed safely at it's permanent destination. I'm going to sit down with it tonight hopefully and try to firgure it out.
Thanks Drew for shedding some more light to this Camerock phenomenon..
As a egnater user I'm also predominantly interested in the dual channel mods, in which cases that apply. If you were to let go of some other duo salvos, let me know.. :)
I wonder if it would be possible to do a simplified Camerock, with the same basic tonal range but about 17 fewer switches. The demo sounds terrific, but I am easily intimidated by technological complexity. (Also, lazy.)

Of course, I'm not a stickler for structural authenticity, either; I just like good tones.
Marco, I bought the Camerock from you. It is my favorite module but I've gone dual. If you wanit back I'll give it you same price $465. It's been well taken care of.
No mine was a dual that I got from Drew and I sold it to dcg8. I don't remember which module I sold to you...maybe it was a pedal?