Crank the Master - Make a Monster

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2008
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Newtown, PA
One of the module threads evolved into a discussion on master volume impact on tone, and wanted to put out here as a topic to get some opinions.
Playing live, I've been running my master at around 9:30 with module levels between 12-2. I took some of the guys' advice and bumped the master to 12:00, backed the modules down to 9-10 and MERCY!!! The dang thing just became a monster! I can't believe I've had this amp for almost 6 months and just now tried pushing the power section like this. Even the blackface got fatter...but with no distortion.

The other thing I noticed is that the EL34's seemed to dominate the tone more (i.e. got more marshall sounding), even though I'm running along with 6L6's on the outside. Really, it's like a whole new amp.

Anybody else had this experience?
I've been running EL34's in my RM50 combo and cranking the master the whole time. I never really liked to crank the modules above master - I like the complex mids, dynamics, and power I get from the master.
dboy5150- You are running an integrated quad of EL34 + 6L6 in an RM100?

I am about to load a matched integrated quad of those into my Legacy! Just picked them up from Eurotubes (up the street, basically). How do you like it compared to a full quad of 6L6 or EL34(L)?
I've always run my RM100 with the master cranked and the modules at 9 o' clock or so. Sounds much better to my ears to crank the master volume.
Ive found this sickest tone is module volume at noon (half way ) and master volume at noon (half).

Although....with the KT88's that might change :twisted: :twisted:
nikki-k said:
dboy5150- You are running an integrated quad of EL34 + 6L6 in an RM100?

I am about to load a matched integrated quad of those into my Legacy! Just picked them up from Eurotubes (up the street, basically). How do you like it compared to a full quad of 6L6 or EL34(L)?

Quad 6L6's are a bit dark, but the EL34's add more mid crunch.
Hadn't run quad EL34s tho.
yeah, I tried this for the first time this weekend. I was about to get rid of one my modules. turns out i wasnt running it right. i was running the modules round 9-10 oclock and the master 2-3 oclock. i have practice tomorrow, im going to try pushing the master even more.
Hmm, and here I've been trying to dime out the channel volume and ease in on the master. I really should try it the other way, especially since I have this sweet quad of Groove Tube EL34-M's 8), I should really be pushing them.
Holy Sweet Mary, Jesus and the wee donkey! :shock: :shock: :shock: I couldn't BELIEVE the difference in sound when the master was jacked to 3 and raising the levels on the mods! It was CRAZEEE! :twisted:

Now just need to get my KT88's in there and get myself ready to have the paint come off the walls! :lol: ....the way it should be!
question --- how different would the volume settings be from a RM4 set up to a RM 100 set up ....

i don't have a RM 100 .

on my RM4 set up i basically have to deal with 2 !!! master volume's one on the RM4 and 1 on my power amp.

how do you RM 4 players set up your volume's?? from mods all the way to your power amp ...
I run my RM4 (primarily) through my Carvin Legacy, via the Return. The return is post MV, so it is up to the RM4 to regulate :D I set the RM4 master up around noon to 1, and then used module master to control volume overall.

Don't have an RM100 yet, but compared to the RM100 I played in the store (had 6L6's, my Legacy has EL34L's right now), slamming the power section with the RM4 was brutal. Really nice, definite EL34 power.
Yeah, it would make logical sense to crank the RM4 master and the power amp... 8) that I REALLY think of it :? , the power amp having the tubes, the PA should be jacked around 2-3 o'clock (maybe full to cook the tubes), maybe do the same with the RM4 master (2-3 o'clock) and then set the overall level from the module?