Diezel Herbert/Marshall JVM type of Module recomendations

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Active member
May 9, 2011
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Atlanta, GA
Hi guys. I'm new to the family.... just picked up a RM100 head w/one "deluxe" module. The "deluxe" sounds almost identical to Fender hotrod deville I have. So, I guess I can sell my fender to finance more modules... as I have 2 slots to fill.

I have a Diezel Herbert and a Marshall JVM that I really like the gain struture.
I've only played a few modules(sl+, xtacy, jmp) which I liked, but I'm looking for something with the tonality and touch sensitivity similar to the preamp of the green OD1 channel of the Marshall JVM or the Lead Channel on the Diezel w/mid contour.

I tend to run my gains from 9 - 12 o'clock... kinda low, because I like a cleaner articulate sound without the buzz. To give you guys an idea of my playing styles check out my website: http://www.shaneregal.com

Now, I thought the sl+ definitely got closer than the other modules I've played, but it sounded more like a great rhythm channel to me... needed hit with a pedal in the front to push it into lead country.

So, basically I'm looking to you guys for advice. I'm not sure where to start. It's tough to find modules here in Atlanta to try out. I see there are a few guys that mod modules, but haven't had the chance to play any.
Thanks for the help!!
SRegal said:
Hi guys. I'm new to the family.... just picked up a RM100 head w/one "deluxe" module. The "deluxe" sounds almost identical to Fender hotrod deville I have. So, I guess I can sell my fender to finance more modules... as I have 2 slots to fill.

I have a Diezel Herbert and a Marshall JVM that I really like the gain struture.
I've only played a few modules(sl+, xtacy, jmp) which I liked, but I'm looking for something with the tonality and touch sensitivity similar to the preamp of the green OD1 channel of the Marshall JVM or the Lead Channel on the Diezel w/mid contour.

I tend to run my gains from 9 - 12 o'clock... kinda low, because I like a cleaner articulate sound without the buzz. To give you guys an idea of my playing styles check out my website: http://www.shaneregal.com

Now, I thought the sl+ definitely got closer than the other modules I've played, but it sounded more like a great rhythm channel to me... needed hit with a pedal in the front to push it into lead country.

So, basically I'm looking to you guys for advice. I'm not sure where to start. It's tough to find modules here in Atlanta to try out. I see there are a few guys that mod modules, but haven't had the chance to play any.
Thanks for the help!!

Hello and welcome! You'll soon realize that much of the conversations here are about modded modules...Meaning a stock module turned into something either better or completely different....

Salvation makes some amazing mods and his Mashall + has a JVM Red channel setting....He also has a module called Benzin that is Diezel-based...Although the Mashall + will get you close to Diezel too with some external EQ and tweaks...

Ask questions and enjoy the ride!
Sounds like you'll love the Salvation Benzin module for leads and maybe the Mr. Scary or a Sacred Groove MK22 for rhythms :)

If you wanna save some dough and get stock modules, the Mr. Scary would be the way to go, as it's basically an SL+ tuned for lead tones.
Omg, no. The Benzin is based on the vh4, and it is SO different than the Herbert. Unfortunately the Herbert is one of those amps that I don't think would be easy if at all possible to replicate in the MTS world because it has so much going on in the power section. The VH4 is super tight, and the Herbert is big huge bassy and looser. At least that was my very limited experience with them.
I've had a Herbert for about 6yrs and recently played a vh4. The biggest difference I noticed was the Herbert was easier to play and more forgiving ... not so dry as the vh4. Tonally they are similar, although I couldn't a/b them.
I run my gain on the Herbert pretty low(12 o'clock or lower) so the bottom is never loose, but it does have alot of body... very thick.
Ok, so I bought a stock XTC module from the classifieds. I've been playing it and a/b'ing it for the past 2 days with my Diezel Herbert.
It's surprisingly similar tonally and smooth.

Differences: The Herbert is more focused in the low end and has the "contour" control which allows for more extensive shaping of the mids. Pick attack is more pronounced as well... just a bit more articulate. And the gain on the Herbert seems to be slightly more compressed as well.

It'll be interesting to see what mods do for the XTC... I like it stock, so it should be a great platform to start with.

Now the BIG question: Which mod??
I had great luck with Jaded Faith's standard warmth/clarity mod to my stock XTC. Before I had that done, it sounded mushy and undefined next to my Grail and SL+. Now it hangs with them no problem--much more articulate.
SRegal said:
Ok, so I bought a stock XTC module from the classifieds. I've been playing it and a/b'ing it for the past 2 days with my Diezel Herbert.
It's surprisingly similar tonally and smooth.

Differences: The Herbert is more focused in the low end and has the "contour" control which allows for more extensive shaping of the mids. Pick attack is more pronounced as well... just a bit more articulate. And the gain on the Herbert seems to be slightly more compressed as well.

It'll be interesting to see what mods do for the XTC... I like it stock, so it should be a great platform to start with.

Now the BIG question: Which mod??
The stock xtc is awesome in my book as well! I have a Hilligan XTC (Snorkeler) and it is amazing. I think by what you describe should be closer to the Herbert. I cranked it up last night and I am pleased. Much faster attack and well rounded sound. Just smoother. Hilligan is cheap too. Although I have had great results with Rob as well. Top notch guy. I havent tried his modded XTCs. He is hands on with what direction you want to go as well.
So, would you say the snorkeler mod tightens up the bottom as well? How is the gain structure with the mod... more or less gain than stock?
Yes it tightens the bottom end but still holds the XTC bite. Just not as brash as the stocker. The gain stays in the same range.
The Snorkeler has a bit less gain then the stock XTC, but it's MUCH clearer gain. Talk to Rob at Jaded Faith about getting a MID Frequency control added to it. He put one on my custom module and it works great!
Welcome aboard.
I'd go with the Hilligan as well...just the clips Ive heard make it the best sounding XTC Ive heard.....going to get one soon....but anything salvation is king as well.....Havent really heard any clips/vids of the Mashall that sound that great,but if it is a Salvation Im sure it is awesome like all of the stuff Ive actually owned is....
Ok, so while we're talking about the Hilligan snorkeler, what do you guys think about the Scorch? How does that compare tonally & gain-wise to the stock XTC? I'm heavily leaning towards having Jeff build me one of those too.
I'm thinking snorkeler for lead/rhythm, and scorch for high gain lead work.
The Snorkeler would maybe be better for the lead work. Ive been talking to Hilly about the Scorch. He said it sounds BIG!! Ive heard clips and it sounds killer, IMO. He builds those from the ground up from his own boards.