Effects processor for rm4?

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2012
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Wanted to know what is a nice, all-round rackmount effects processor to accompany my RM4? I was looking at the TC Electronics G Major 2. Thoughts ?
b1_3000 said:
Wanted to know what is a nice, all-round rackmount effects processor to accompany my RM4? I was looking at the TC Electronics G Major 2. Thoughts ?

I use a Digitech GSP1101 via 4CM with both my Mod 50 and RM4 - sounds great does everything I need!

Didn't like the UI on the G Major!
For under $100 you really can't beat the Rocktron Intellifex.
Thanks guys. I'll have to check out both. Under 100 bucks? Couldnt go wrong, thanks :)
Thanks guys. I'll have to check out both. Under 100 bucks? Couldnt go wrong, thanks :)
have to say the Pod HD500 gives you both realy good effects that sound very analog with the Randall, and more preamps. so, you can switch between your mods and the Pod's pres and increase your amp sounds for under 400 US. It takes a while to get the levels set and the patches tweaked but with 4CM the sound quality is excellent.
I use the gsp 1101 by digitech. I like how simple it was to midi it up. I have the C2 foot controller and with the rm4 it was nothing to connect it up . Now all I do is hit the foot switch and it switches effects and switches the rm4 to whatever preamp I want the effects on. I missed out on midi in the 80s, so I can get frustrated trying to program pedals, amps, etc. This was a piece of cake for even a dumb **** like me.
You are in luck! There are a few good choices,imho..
1) Gmaj 2 is excellent..the original was a but flimsy, but the 2 has better build quality..both are evry transparent
2) The Line6 HD500 also sounds great..but is physically big. Do you play small stages?? That could be a problem.
3) The GSP is awesome and its footswitch makes it so easy to use. I havent hear it, but people who have say it sounds excellent...
4) Rocktron IntelliFx...also transparent...possiblly even 1 percent more than the GMaj2...but thats is not noticeable even to my studio-rat friends (but I have compared them for hours!!)...

all good choices. I think comes down to 4CM?? Or do you play small stages, or some other factor that decides which way to go (if its cost.the Rocktron gets the job done very cheaply..but the operating system seems rather SPARTAN,at times. Still, the sound is excellent.

I use the original tc electronics G-major for all my effects needs, very good sound and I can recommend it. The knobs can be a little bit of an issue with some but I haven't had problems with mine.

It sounds like if you need to lug it on the road, get the G-major II. But if it's just for studio use, a G-major I is just fine. Plus, you can get the I's for cheap these days.
I'm looking at the same thing here and was wondering if you were gonna get an Intellifex, would you get the black face or the online (both same price)? As far as I understand, only difference is the chip in a socket or hard mounted to the board. Right? Obviously the online sharing on the Online one as well..
I used to own a Digitech 2112 with the 2120 upgrade chip installed. 10 years ago it was a solid processor but digital effects have come A LONG way since. I gave the 2112 to my little bro when I bought my RM4 a few years ago and was running a pedal board for effects. However, I bought an RM80 and wanted to dedicate the stomping and tap tempo effects pedals to it and switch over to midi with the rack and bought a GMajor 2 a few months ago. The G Major 2 destroys the old Digitech products. NOTE: I said OLD. I know nothing about the newer ones. It is extremely transparent and doesn't alter tone at all. In fact, most of the effects are of better quality than many of the boutique and high priced effects pedals i've tried. Unfortunately, i've been wrapped up in training with the military and haven't been able to really get in and customize my G Major 2 yet so I can't give detailed info other than right out of the box it's pretty awesome.
I've used the Intellifex and GSP1101 units... The GSP1101 is more versatile... both sound great!!
I use my RM4 with a Lexicon MPX G2, that have an insert loop, works great and some fantastic effects in it.
Thanks guys.

I will probably look into the g major 2 as it is true bypass ( I think?) and looks to be a good accompaniment to the rm4.

Unless of course I find a deal I can't pass up on others.
b1_3000 said:
Wanted to know what is a nice, all-round rackmount effects processor to accompany my RM4? I was looking at the TC Electronics G Major 2. Thoughts ?

G-Major 2! For the price it's well worth it. My buddy uses one live.